首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Quality >Methane Emissions from a Beef Cattle Feedyard during Winter and Summer on the Southern High Plains of Texas

Methane Emissions from a Beef Cattle Feedyard during Winter and Summer on the Southern High Plains of Texas


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Methane (CH4) emissions from enteric fermentation by livestock account for about 2.1% of U. S. greenhouse gas emissions, with beef and dairy cattle being the most significant sources. A better understanding of CH4 emissions from beef cattle feedyards can help build more accurate emission inventories, improve predictive models, and meet potential regulatory requirements. Our objective was to quantify CH4 emissions during winter and summer at a typical beef cattle feedyard on the southern High Plains in Texas. Methane emissions were quantified over 32 d in winter and 44 d in summer using open-path lasers and inverse dispersion analysis. Methane per capita emission rate (PCER) ranged from 71 to 118 g animal(-1) d(-1) in winter and from 70 to 130 g animal(-1) d(-1) in summer. Mean CH4 PCER was similar in January, February, and May (average, 85.0 +/- 0.95 g animal(-1) d(-1)) and increased to 93.4 g animal(-1) d(-1) during the June-July period. This increase coincided with increased dietary fiber. Methane loss ranged from 9.2 to 11.4 g CH4 kg(-1) dry matter intake, with lower values during winter. Gross energy intake (GEI) ranged from 135.2 to 164.5 MJ animal(-1) d(-1), and CH4 energy loss ranged from 4.5 to 4.9 MJ animal(-1) d(-1). Fraction of GEI lost as CH4 (Y-m) averaged 2.8% in winter, 3.2% in summer, and 3.0% overall. These values confirm the Y-m value currently recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for Tier 2 estimates of enteric CH4 from feedlot fed cattle.
机译:牲畜肠道发酵产生的甲烷(CH4)排放量约占美国温室气体排放量的2.1%,其中牛肉和奶牛是最主要的排放源。更好地了解肉牛饲养场的CH4排放可以帮助建立更准确的排放清单,改进预测模型并满足潜在的法规要求。我们的目标是量化冬季和夏季在德克萨斯州南部高平原地区典型的肉牛饲养场中的CH4排放量。使用开路激光和逆色散分析,在冬季32天内和夏季44天内对甲烷排放量进行了量化。冬季的人均甲烷排放量(PCER)为71至118 g动物(-1)d(-1),夏季为70至130 g动物(-1)d(-1)。一月,二月和五月的平均CH4 PCER相似(平均值为85.0 +/- 0.95 g动物(-1)d(-1)),在六月期间增加到93.4 g动物(-1)d(-1) -7月。这种增加与膳食纤维的增加相吻合。甲烷损失范围从9.2到11.4 g CH4 kg(-1)干物质摄入量,在冬季较低。总能量摄入量(GEI)为135.2至164.5 MJ动物(-1)d(-1),CH4能量损失范围为4.5至4.9 MJ动物(-1)d(-1)。由于CH4(Y-m)的冬季,GEI的平均损失率为2.8%,夏季平均为3.2%,总体而言为3.0%。这些值证实了政府间气候变化专门委员会目前推荐的饲喂饲喂牛的肠道CH4的Y-m值。



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