首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Science >Fabrication of spherical magnetite particles by the flame fusion method

Fabrication of spherical magnetite particles by the flame fusion method


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Fabrication of spherical magnetite powders wasinvestigated in the propane-oxygen flame using sponge ironpowders as a starting powder. Spherical particles produced byfusion, sphering and oxidation of iron powder were composed ofresidual Fe, FeO, Fe3O4 and α-Fe2O3 in the case of particlescollected by a cyclone. The amount of Fe3O4 in the products wasstrongly dependent on the propane/oxygen ration and the flowrate of carrier air, but weakly on the feed rate of iron powder.Injection of quenching gas was found to be effective to improvethe yield of Fe3O4. Particle size of products reflected directlythat of starting powders, indicating fairly easy control of particlesize of products. The saturation magnetization of the producedpowder under the optimum condition was 88 emu/g.
机译:使用海绵铁粉作为起始粉末,在丙烷-氧气火焰中研究了球形磁铁矿粉的制备。在旋风分离器收集到的颗粒的情况下,铁粉的熔融,球化和氧化产生的球形颗粒由残留的Fe,FeO,Fe3O4和α-Fe2O3组成。产品中Fe3O4的含量主要取决于丙烷/氧气的比例和载气的流量,但对铁粉的进料速度的影响较小。注入淬火气体可以有效地提高Fe3O4的收率。产品的粒度直接反映了起始粉末的粒度,表明相当容易控制产品的粒度。在最佳条件下,所制得的粉末的饱和磁化强度为88 emu / g。



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