首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Science >Effect of rare-earth(Eu, Yb and Ag) substitutions on superconducting properties of the Bi1.7Pb0.3Sr2Ca2-xRx(R=Eu, Yb, and Ag)Cu3Oy system

Effect of rare-earth(Eu, Yb and Ag) substitutions on superconducting properties of the Bi1.7Pb0.3Sr2Ca2-xRx(R=Eu, Yb, and Ag)Cu3Oy system

机译:稀土(Eu,Yb和Ag)取代对Bi1.7Pb0.3Sr2Ca2-xRx(R = Eu,Yb和Ag)Cu3Oy系统超导性能的影响

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The superconducting properties of Bi1.7Pb0.3Sr2Ca2-xRx(R=Eu, Yb, and Ag)Cu3Oy have been investigated by X-raydiffraction, electrical resistance and the peritectic transition ofthese superconductors was studied kinetically under differentatmospheres and temperature gradients. X-ray diffraction resultsshow that the volume fraction of the high-Tc (2223) phasedecreases and that of the low-Tc (2212) phase increases as Eu, Yband Ag concentrations increase. The resistivity measurementsreveal that the Tc onset decreases down to 100K for Eu, 85K forYb and 106k for Ag concentrations. These results are explained onthe basis of possible variations of hole concentration with trivalentrate earth ion substitutions. Activation energies and frequencyfactors for crystallisation were determined by non-isothermaldifferential thermal analysis (DTA), employing different models. Itwas foud that both peritectic transition and reaction rate weredependent on the ambient atmosphere.Kinetic studies underdifferent atmospheres revealed that the thermal stability of Bi-2212 phase was greatly enhanced under oxygen atmosphere.
机译:通过X射线衍射研究了Bi1.7Pb0.3Sr2Ca2-xRx(R = Eu,Yb和Ag)Cu3Oy的超导性能,并在不同的气氛和温度梯度下动力学研究了这些超导体的包晶转变。 X射线衍射结果表明,随着Eu,Yband Ag浓度的增加,高Tc(2223)相的体积分数减小,而低Tc(2212)相的体积分数增加。电阻率测量结果表明,Eu的Tc起始降低到100K,Yb的Tc起始降低到85K,Ag的浓度则降低到106k。这些结果是根据空穴浓度随三价稀土离子的变化而解释的。通过非等温差热分析(​​DTA),采用不同的模型来确定结晶的活化能和频率因子。结果表明,包晶转变和反应速率均与周围环境有关。在不同气氛下的动力学研究表明,Bi-2212相在氧气氛下的热稳定性大大提高。



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