首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Processing Technology >A FEM modelling of the elastic deformation zones in flat rolling

A FEM modelling of the elastic deformation zones in flat rolling


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A roll bite in flat rolling includes elastic entry, elastic exit and plastic deformation regions. The plastic deformation is the main part, but thickness changes of the elastic entry region affect the lubricating film, and the elastic exit region affects the thickness accuracy of final products. In this paper, a new analysis of the fiat rolling process by the finite element method has been conducted with a focus on the simulation of elastic entry and exit regions in a roll bite zone. The elastic humps of the strip with or without tensions have been determined from the simulation, and the calculated dimensions of elastic entry and elastic exit regions are in good agreement with the theoretical calculations, the calculated rolling force and exit speed are close to the measured values. Friction variation in the deformation zone is also considered in the simulation. This model can predict accurately the hump of entry region and the elastic recovery value of strip, and contribute to the determination of the mixed lubricating film and the accuracy of final products through a correct roll gap set-up.



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