首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Science >Investigation of the interactions between two contact fibers in the fiber suspensions

Investigation of the interactions between two contact fibers in the fiber suspensions


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A mathematical model was constructed for the mechanical interactions between two contact fibers, based on which numerical simulations were performed and the results are in good accordance with the experiments. The settling fiber begins to slide at earlier time and the entire interaction duration diminishes as the initial position of the contact point, the initial orientation of fiber and the fiber specific weight increase or the solvent viscosity decreases. Both the slipping start-up time and the departing time delay as the fiber aspect ratio increases, however, the effect caused by reducing the diameter is more significant than that caused by increasing the length. Finally, a synthetic parameter which can uniquely describe the start-up time and the finishing time of the sliding motion of the fibers was derived. (C) 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. [References: 11]
机译:为两个接触纤维之间的机械相互作用建立了数学模型,在此模型的基础上进行了数值模拟,结果与实验结果吻合良好。沉降纤维在更早的时间开始滑动,并且整个相互作用持续时间随着接触点的初始位置,纤维的初始取向和纤维比重的增加或溶剂粘度的降低而减小。随着纤维长宽比的增加,打滑启动时间和离开时间延迟都增加了,但是,减小直径所引起的效果要比增加长度所引起的效果更为显着。最后,得出了可以唯一描述纤维滑动开始时间和结束时间的综合参数。 (C)2003 Kluwer学术出版社。 [参考:11]



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