首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Processing Technology >A study on super-speed forming of metal sheet by laser shock waves

A study on super-speed forming of metal sheet by laser shock waves


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In this paper, the authors explore a dynamic super-speed forming method driven by laser shock waves. The initial exploration of laser shock forming (LSF) is done through bulge testing with specimens of 430 sheet metal, using a neodymium-glass laser of pulse energy 10-30 J and duration 20 ns (FWHM). The investigation revealed that the plastic deformation during the LSF is characterized as ultra-high strain rate, and it is indicated that the plastic deformation increases non-linearly with the increase of the energy density of the laser. By investigating the hardness and residual stress of the surfaces, it is conclude that LSF is a combination technique of laser shock strengthening and metal forming for introducing strain hardening and a compressive residual stress on the surface of the workpiece. This technique can achieve forming with or without a mold.
机译:在本文中,作者探索了一种由激光冲击波驱动的动态超高速成形方法。激光冲击成形(LSF)的初步探索是通过对430个金属薄板进行凸出测试,使用脉冲能量为10-30 J,持续时间为20 ns(FWHM)的钕玻璃激光器进行的。研究表明,LSF过程中的塑性变形表现为超高应变率,并且表明随着激光能量密度的增加,塑性变形呈非线性增加。通过研究表面的硬度和残余应力,可以得出结论,LSF是激光冲击强化和金属成形的组合技术,用于在工件表面引入应变硬化和压缩残余应力。该技术可以实现有或没有模具的成型。



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