首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Korean Forestry Society >Effects of Bird Ingestion on Seed Dispersal and Germination of the Elaeagnm macrophylla

Effects of Bird Ingestion on Seed Dispersal and Germination of the Elaeagnm macrophylla


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ab:The Elaeagnus macrophylla is a stenoecious evergreen plant with nitrogen-fixing symbjonts and its timing of fruit-ripening coincides with spring migration of many birds in southwestern Korea. To recognize bird species which eat fleshy fruits of theElaeagnus macrophylla and to evaluate the erfects of bird ingestion on seed germination and dispersal, we monitored birds and carried out germination experiments using its fruits and seeds from March to April 2007 at Hongdo Island, Jeonnam Province, Korea. As a result, eight species of birds including the Gray Starling (Sturnus cineraceus), the Brown-eared Bulbul (Hypsipetes amaurotis) and the Dusky Thrush (Turdus naumanni) ingested the fruits. Germination rate was enhanced but length of seed dormancywas instead shortened in ingested (collected from the feces of birds) and manually extracted seeds (obtained directly from the fruits) than in intact fruits collected directly from the plant. Moreover, the possible scale of seed dispersal by the frugivorous birds ranged up to 6.9 ha based on home ranges of starlings. Consequently, the Elaeagnus macrophylla supplies food resources for migratory birds, and the birds give the plant opportunities of new colonization. We suggest that this kind of interactionbetween the nitrogen-fixing plant and avian seed dispersers is applicable as a process of natural restoration in degraded coastal evergreen forests.
机译:ab:沙枣(Elaeagnus macrophylla)是一棵常绿植物,具固氮共生能力,其成熟果实的时机与韩国西南部许多鸟类的春季迁徙相吻合。为了识别食用大果El果肉的鸟类并评估鸟类摄食对种子发芽和散布的影响,我们监测了鸟类,并从2007年3月至2007年4月在全南省红岛进行了发芽实验,利用其果实和种子进行了发芽实验。韩国。结果,包括灰Star鸟(Sturnus cineraceus),棕耳)(Hypsipetes amaurotis)和暗淡鹅口疮(Turdus naumanni)在内的八种鸟类都摄入了这种水果。与直接从植物中采集的完整果实相比,摄取(从鸟类的粪便收集)和手动提取的种子(直接从果实中获取)的种子萌发率提高了,但种子休眠的长度却缩短了。此外,基于八哥的家养范围,食肉类鸟类传播种子的可能规模最大为6.9公顷。因此,大叶锦鸡儿为候鸟提供了食物资源,而鸟又为植物提供了新的定殖机会。我们建议固氮植物与鸟类种子分散剂之间的这种相互作用可作为退化的沿海常绿森林的自然恢复过程。



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