首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Korean Forestry Society >The Impacts of Forest Type on Peak Flows in Long-term Hydrological Data at Three Small Forested Catchments

The Impacts of Forest Type on Peak Flows in Long-term Hydrological Data at Three Small Forested Catchments


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This study was conducted to clarify the forest function of floods modulation through the relationship between rainfall and peak flows in the three kinds of forest type. The experiment sites in Gwangneung include the natural mature deciduous and plante d young coniferous forests. Also the rehabilitated mixed forest locates in Yangju, Gyeonggi-do, Hydrologic data including rainfall, discharges have been measured in the gauging weirs from 1982 to 1999, About 110 storm hydrographs for each site were selec ted for the purpose of analyzing the amount of rainfall to peak flows and peak flow rates Peak flows in the planted young coniferous forest increased suddenly as the amount of rainfall to peak increased over 100 mm as a threshold value. On the other hand the rehabilitated mixed forest showed the threshold value of 50 mm. Difference of threshold values in two forests resulted from conditions of forest structure and soil. Peak flow rates of the natural mature forest deciduous increased very gradually to 2 00 mm rainfall owing to good conditions of forest structure and soil. In case of the planted young coniferous forest, the slope of relation line between peak flow rates and rainfall is gentler after 10-year. The mixed forest showed no difference between the slopes before and after 10-year. Difference of peak flows between three forest types decreased considerably in July 1993 compared in July 1983. The result above reflects the fact that forest development improves the forest function of peak-flows modu lation.
机译:通过研究三种森林类型中降雨与峰值流量之间的关系来阐明洪水调节的森林功能。广陵县的实验地点包括天然成熟的落叶和针叶幼林。此外,在京畿道阳州市恢复了原始森林,并在1982年至1999年期间测量了测水堰的水文数据,包括降雨,流量。为分析雨量,选择了每个地点约110个暴雨水位图峰值流量和峰值流量人工幼针叶林的峰值流量突然增加,因为要达到峰值的降雨量超过了100毫米,这是一个阈值。另一方面,恢复后的混交林的阈值为50 mm。两种森林的阈值差异是由森林结构和土壤条件引起的。由于良好的森林结构和土壤条件,天然落叶林的峰值流量逐渐增加至2 00 mm降雨。如果种植人工针叶幼林,则峰值流量与降雨之间的关系线的斜率在10年后变得平缓。混合森林在10年之前和之后的坡度之间没有差异。与1983年7月相比,1993年7月三种森林类型之间的峰值流量差异大大减小。以上结果反映了这样一个事实,即森林的发展改善了峰值流量调制的森林功能。



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