首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Lipid Research >Acidic retinoids synergize with vitamin A to enhance retinol uptake and STRA6, LRAT, and CYP26B1 expression in neonatal lung.

Acidic retinoids synergize with vitamin A to enhance retinol uptake and STRA6, LRAT, and CYP26B1 expression in neonatal lung.


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Vitamin A (VA) is essential for fetal lung development and postnatal lung maturation. VA is stored mainly as retinyl esters (REs), which may be mobilized for production of retinoic acid (RA). This study was designed 1) to evaluate several acidic retinoids for their potential to increase RE in the lungs of VA-supplemented neonatal rats, and 2) to determine the expression of retinoid homeostatic genes related to retinol uptake, esterification, and catabolism as possible mechanisms. When neonatal rats were treated with VA combined with any one of several acidic retinoids (RA, 9-cis-RA, or Am580, a stable analog of RA), lung RE increased approximately 5-7 times more than after an equal amount of VA alone. Retinol uptake and esterification during the period of absorption correlated with increased expression of both STRA6 (retinol-binding protein receptor) and LRAT (retinol esterification), while a reduction in RE after 12 h in Am580-treated, VA-supplemented rats correlated with a strong and persistent increase in CYP26B1 (RA hydroxylase). We conclude that neonatal lung RE can be increased synergistically by VA combined with both natural and synthetic acidic retinoids, concomitant with induction of the dyad of STRA6 and LRAT. However, the pronounced and prolonged induction of CYP26B1 by Am580 may counteract lung RE accumulation after the absorption process is completed.
机译:维生素A(VA)对于胎儿肺部发育和出生后肺部成熟至关重要。 VA主要以视黄酯(REs)的形式存储,可动员生产视黄酸(RA)。这项研究的目的是:1)评估几种酸性类维生素A可能增加补充VA的新生大鼠肺中的RE,以及2)确定与类维生素A摄取,酯化和分解代谢有关的类维生素A稳态基因的表达。当对新生大鼠进行VA联合多种酸性类维生素A(RA,9-顺式-RA或Am580,RA的稳定类似物)中的任何一种治疗时,肺RE的增加比等量的VA后增加约5-7倍单独。在吸收期间,视黄醇的摄取和酯化与STRA6(视黄醇结合蛋白受体)和LRAT(视黄醇酯化)的表达增加有关,而在经Am580处理,经VA补充的大鼠中,RE在12小时后减少,与维生素A相关。 CYP26B1(RA羟化酶)持续强劲增加。我们得出的结论是,VA与天然和合成酸性类维生素A联合使用可协同增加新生肺RE,并诱导STRA6和LRAT的二元组。但是,Am580对CYP26B1的明显延长的诱导作用可能抵消吸收过程完成后肺RE的蓄积。



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