首页> 外文期刊>Journal of managed care pharmacy : >Economic evaluation of denosumab compared with zoledronic acid in hormone-refractory prostate cancer patients with bone metastases.

Economic evaluation of denosumab compared with zoledronic acid in hormone-refractory prostate cancer patients with bone metastases.


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BACKGROUND: Bone metastases are common in patients with hormone-refractory prostate cancer. In a study of autopsies of patients with prostate cancer, 65%-75% had bone metastases. Bone metastases place a substantial economic burden on payers with estimated total annual costs of Dollars 1.9 billion in the United States. Skeletal-related events (SREs), including pathologic fractures, spinal cord compression, surgery to bone, and radiation to bone, affect approximately 50% of patients with bone metastases. They are associated with a decreased quality of life and increased health care costs. Zoledronic acid is an effective treatment in preventing SREs in solid tumors and multiple myeloma. Recently, denosumab was FDA-approved for prevention of SREs in patients with bone metastases from solid tumors. A Phase 3 clinical trial (NCT00321620) demonstrated that denosumab had superior efficacy in delaying first and subsequent SREs compared with zoledronic acid. However, the economic value of denosumab has not been assessed in patients with hormone-refractory prostate cancer. OBJECTIVE: To compare the cost-effectiveness of denosumab with zoledronic acid in the treatment of bone metastases in men with hormone-refractory prostate cancer. METHODS: An Excel-based Markov model was developed to assess costs and effectiveness associated with the 2 treatments over a 1- and 3-year time horizon. Because the evaluation was conducted from the perspective of a U.S. third-party payer, only direct costs were included. Consistent with the primary outcome in the Phase 3 trial, effectiveness was assessed based on the number of SREs. The model consisted of 9 health states defined by SRE occurrence, SRE history, disease progression, and death. A hypothetical cohort of patients with hormone-refractory prostate cancer received either denosumab 120 mg or zoledronic acid 4 mg at the model entry and transitioned among the 9 health states at the beginning of each 13-week cycle. Transition probabilities associated with experiencing the first SRE, subsequent SREs, disease progression, and death were primarily derived from the results of the Phase 3 clinical trial and were supplemented with published literature. The model assumed that a maximum of 1 SRE could occur in each cycle. Drug costs included wholesale acquisition cost, health care professional costs associated with drug administration, and drug monitoring costs, if applicable. Nondrug costs included incremental costs associated with disease progression, costs associated with SREs, and terminal care costs, which were derived from the literature. Adverse event (AE) costs were estimated based on the incidence rates reported in the Phase 3 trial. Resource utilization associated with AEs was estimated based on consultation with a senior medical director employed by the study sponsor. All costs were presented in 2010 dollars. The base case estimated the incremental total cost per SRE avoided over a 1-year time horizon. Results for a 3-year time horizon were also estimated. One-way sensitivity analyses and probabilistic sensitivity analyses (PSA) were performed to test the robustness of the model. RESULTS: In the base case, the total per patient costs incurred over 1 year were estimated at Dollars 35,341 (Dollars 19,230 drug costs and Dollars 16,111 nondrug costs) for denosumab and Dollars 27,528 (Dollars 10,960 drug costs and Dollars 16,569 nondrug costs) for zoledronic acid, with an incremental total direct cost of Dollars 7,813 for denosumab. The estimated numbers of SREs per patient during the 1-year period were 0.49 for denosumab and 0.60 for zoledronic acid, resulting in an incremental number of SREs of -0.11 in the denosumab arm. The estimated incremental total direct costs per SRE avoided with the use of denosumab instead of zoledronic acid were Dollars 71,027 for 1 year and Dollars 51,319 for 3 years.
机译:背景:骨转移在激素难治性前列腺癌患者中很常见。在对前列腺癌患者进行尸检的研究中,有65%-75%的患者有骨转移。骨转移给付款人带来了巨大的经济负担,在美国,每年的估计总费用为19亿美元。骨骼相关事件(SRE),包括病理性骨折,脊髓压迫,对骨的手术以及对骨的放射,影响大约50%的骨转移患者。它们与生活质量下降和医疗费用增加有关。唑来膦酸是预防实体瘤和多发性骨髓瘤中SRE的有效方法。最近,denosumab已被FDA批准用于预防实体瘤骨转移患者的SRE。一项3期临床试验(NCT00321620)表明,与唑来膦酸相比,地诺单抗在延迟首次和随后的SRE方面具有更好的疗效。但是,尚未对具有激素难治性前列腺癌的患者评估denosumab的经济价值。目的:比较地诺单抗和唑来膦酸治疗激素抵抗性前列腺癌男性骨转移的成本效益。方法:建立了一个基于Excel的马尔可夫模型,以评估在1年和3年时间范围内与2种疗法相关的成本和有效性。由于评估是从美国第三方付款人的角度进行的,因此仅包括直接费用。与3期试验的主要结果一致,根据SRE的数量评估疗效。该模型由9个健康状态组成,这些状态由SRE发生,SRE历史,疾病进展和死亡定义。假设的激素难治性前列腺癌患者队列在模型进入时接受地诺单抗120 mg或唑来膦酸4 mg,并在每个13周周期的开始时在9种健康状态之间转换。与经历第一个SRE,随后的SRE,疾病进展和死亡相关的转移概率主要来自3期临床试验的结果,并已发表的文献作了补充。该模型假定每个周期最多可发生1个SRE。药品费用包括批发采购费用,与药品管理相关的卫生保健专业费用以及药品监控费用(如果适用)。非药物成本包括与疾病进展相关的增量成本,与SRE相关的成本以及最终护理成本,这些成本均来自文献。不良事件(AE)费用是根据3期试验中报告的发生率估算的。与不良事件相关的资源利用是根据与研究发起人聘用的高级医学主任的协商估算的。所有费用均以2010年美元表示。基本案例估计了在1年时间范围内避免的每个SRE的增量总成本。还估算了三年时间范围内的结果。执行单向敏感性分析和概率敏感性分析(PSA)以测试模型的鲁棒性。结果:在该基本案例中,一年间每位患者的总费用估计为狄诺塞麦为35,341美元(美元19,230药物成本和16,111美元非药物成本),而唑来膦酸则为27,528美元(美元10,960药物成本和16,569美元非药物成本)。酸,地诺单抗的直接总直接成本为7,813美元。在1年期间,每位患者的SRE估计数为denosumab为0.49,唑来膦酸为0.60,导致denosumab组中SRE的增量为-0.11。使用denosumab代替唑来膦酸避免的每SRE估计的直接总增量成本为:1年为71,027美元,3年为51,319美元。



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