首页> 外文期刊>Journal of managed care pharmacy : >How do seniors respond to 100% cost-sharing for prescription drugs? Quality of the evidence underlying opinions about the Medicare Part D coverage gap.

How do seniors respond to 100% cost-sharing for prescription drugs? Quality of the evidence underlying opinions about the Medicare Part D coverage gap.

机译:老年人如何应对100%的处方药费用分摊?有关Medicare D部分承保差距的观点的证据质量。

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Popular press coverage of the Medicare Part D coverage gap is based largely on research conducted using retrospective analyses of administrative claims data. These datasets are incomplete because they lack information about methods of obtaining medication that are commonly used by seniors, including free samples, generic drug discount programs, over-the-counter substitution, and patient assistance programs. As a result, evidence about the effects of 100% cost sharing on seniors is limited and suboptimal. Although the current deficit of information about the coverage gap is not entirely unexpected because the Medicare Part D program is relatively new, reliance on claims-based analyses to inform questions that claims data cannot possibly address accurately has tended to mislead and politicize rather than produce constructive policy guidance. Numerous important health policy questions remain unaddressed. These questions are becoming especially important as optimal approaches to providing health care to seniors are the subject of an increasingly vigorous debate.
机译:Medicare D部分覆盖率缺口的大众媒体报道主要基于对行政理赔数据进行回顾性分析而得出的研究结果。这些数据集是不完整的,因为它们缺少有关老年人普遍使用的药物获取方法的信息,包括免费样本,仿制药折扣计划,非处方药替代和患者协助计划。结果,关于100%费用分担对老年人的影响的证据有限且不够理想。尽管由于Medicare Part D计划相对较新,当前有关保险缺口的信息不足并不完全出乎意料,但依靠基于索赔的分析来告知索赔数据可能无法准确解决的问题往往会误导和政治化,而不是产生建设性政策指导。许多重要的卫生政策问题仍未解决。这些问题变得尤为重要,因为向老年人提供医疗保健的最佳方法正在引起越来越激烈的争论。



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