首页> 外文期刊>Journal of land use science >An environmental assessment of land cover and landuse change in Central Siberia using quantified conceptualoverlaps to reconcile inconsistent data sets

An environmental assessment of land cover and landuse change in Central Siberia using quantified conceptualoverlaps to reconcile inconsistent data sets


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Environmental monitoring and assessment frequently require remote sensing techniques to bedeployed. The production of higher level spatial data sets from remote sensing has often beendriven by short-term funding constraints and specific information requirements by the fundingagencies. As a result, a wide variety of historic data sets exist that were generated using differentatmospheric correction methods, classification algorithms, class labelling systems, trainingsites, map projections, input data and spatial resolutions. Because technology, science andpolicy objectives are continuously changing, repeated natural resource inventories rarelyemploy the same methods as in previous surveys and often use class definitions that areinconsistent with earlier data sets (Comber, Fisher and Wadsworth 2003). Since it is generallynot economically feasible to recreate these historic land cover/land use data sets, ofteninconsistent data sets have to be compared.
机译:环境监测和评估经常需要部署遥感技术。来自遥感的更高级别空间数据集的产生通常是由短期筹资限制和筹资机构对特定信息要求的推动。结果,存在使用不同的大气校正方法,分类算法,分类标签系统,训练地点,地图投影,输入数据和空间分辨率生成的各种历史数据集。由于技术,科学和政策目标不断变化,重复的自然资源清单很少采用与以前的调查相同的方法,并且经常使用与早期数据集不一致的类别定义(Comber,Fisher和Wadsworth 2003)。由于通常无法从经济上可行的方式来重新创建这些历史性的土地覆盖/土地使用数据集,因此通常必须对不一致的数据集进行比较。



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