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Homotopy classification and the generalized Swan homomorphism


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In his Fundamental paper on group cohomology [20] R.G. Swan defined a homomorphism (Z/|G|)* -> (K-0) over tilde (Z[G]) for any finite group G which, in this restricted context, has since been used extensively both in the classification of projective modules and the algebraic homotopy theory of finite complexes ([3], [181, 1211). We extend the definition so that, for suitable modules J over reasonably general rings Lambda, it takes the form S : Aut(Der)(J) -> (K-0) over tilde(Lambda); here Der is the quotient of the category of Lambda-homomorphisms obtained by setting 'projective = 0'. We then employ it to give an exact classification of homotopy classes of extensions 0 -> J -> F-n -> ... -> F-0 -> M -> 0 where each F-r is finitely generated Free.
机译:在他的关于群同调的基础论文中[20] R.G. Swan为任何有限组G定义了代字号(Z [G])上代字号(Z [G])上的同态(Z / | G |)*->(K-0),此后在此受限上下文中已广泛用于射影分类模和有限复合物的代数同伦理论([3],[181,1211)。我们扩展定义,以便对于合理的一般环Lambda上的合适模块J,其形式为S:tilde(Lambda)上的Aut(Der)(J)->(K-0);这里Der是通过设置'projective = 0'得到的Lambda同态类别的商。然后,我们使用它来给出扩展0-> J-> F-n-> ...-> F-0-> M-> 0的同伦类的精确分类,其中每个F-r都是有限生成的。



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