首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Invertebrate Pathology >Identification of Nosema bombi Fantham and Porter 1914 (Microsporidia) in Bombus impatiens and Bombus sandersoni from Great Smoky Mountains National Park (USA)

Identification of Nosema bombi Fantham and Porter 1914 (Microsporidia) in Bombus impatiens and Bombus sandersoni from Great Smoky Mountains National Park (USA)

机译:在大烟山国家公园(美国)的凤仙和孟买桑迪森中鉴定Nosema bombi Fantham和Porter 1914(小孢子虫)

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Ninety three bumble bees belonging to the genus Bombus, subgenus Pyrobombus (three Bombus vagans, seven Bombus bimaculatus, 17 B. sandersoni and 68 B. impatiens) from Great Smoky Mountains National Park were examined for microsporidia. Light microscopy of calcoflour and trichrome-stained smears, and PCR revealed infection with N. bombi in one specimen each of B. sandersoni and B. impatiens. Sizes and shapes of spores in both N. bombi isolates were similar to those described for European isolates of the microsporidium. A region of the rRNA gene from the B. impatiens isolate (1689 bp, accession GQ254295) aligned with homologous sequences from eight European isolates, with only three variable sites. Sequence variability of this region between novel isolates and the European ones was the same as among European isolates.
机译:检查了来自大烟山国家公园的九十三只大熊蜂,它们属于孟买属,火棘亚属(三只熊蜂,七个七头熊,17 B. sandersoni和68 B. impatiens)的小孢子虫。光镜检查钙粉和三色染色的涂片,PCR显示在桑氏芽孢杆菌和凤仙芽孢杆菌各一个标本中感染了猪瘟猪笼草。两种N. bombi分离株中孢子的大小和形状都与欧洲微孢子虫分离株中描述的相似。来自凤仙花芽孢杆菌分离株的rRNA基因的一个区域(1689 bp,登录号GQ254295)与来自八个欧洲分离株的同源序列对齐,只有三个可变位点。新分离株与欧洲分离株之间该区域的序列变异性与欧洲分离株之间相同。



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