首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Invertebrate Pathology >The occurrence of Melissococcus plutonius in healthy colonies of Apis mellifera and the efficacy of European foulbrood control measures.

The occurrence of Melissococcus plutonius in healthy colonies of Apis mellifera and the efficacy of European foulbrood control measures.


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European foulbrood (EFB) persists in England and Wales despite current treatment methods, all of which include feeding honey bee colonies with the antibiotic oxytetracycline (OTC). A large-scale field experiment was conducted to monitor a husbandry-based method, using comb replacement (known as Shook swarm), as a drug free EFB control option. The understanding of EFB epidemiology is limited, with little information on the presence of Melissococcus plutonius in disease free colonies. Additional samples were collected from diseased and disease free apiaries to identify symptomless infection. EFB reoccurrence was not significantly different between OTC and husbandry methods and real-time PCR data demonstrated that fewer Shook swarm treated colonies contained M. plutonius carryover to the Spring following treatment. Asymptomatic colonies from diseased apiaries showed an increased risk of testing positive for M. plutonius compared to asymptomatic colonies from disease free apiaries. The probability of a sample being symptomatic increased when a greater quantity of M. plutonius was detected in adult bees and larvae. The possibility of treating EFB as an apiary disease rather than a colony disease and the implications of a control strategy without antibiotics are discussed.
机译:尽管有目前的治疗方法,但欧洲的臭虫(EFB)在英格兰和威尔士仍然存在,所有方法都包括用抗生素土霉素喂养蜜蜂群体。进行了一次大规模的田间试验,以监测基于畜牧业的方法,使用梳子替代(称为Shook swarm)作为无毒品的EFB控制选项。对EFB流行病学的了解是有限的,关于无病菌落中嗜盐链球菌的信息很少。从患病和无病的养蜂场收集了其他样本,以鉴定无症状感染。 OTC和饲养方法之间的EFB复发无显着差异,实时PCR数据表明,经Shook群体处理的菌落中含有M的菌落较少。治疗后,plutonius 结转至春季。来自患病养蜂场的无症状菌落显示出iM呈阳性的风险增加。 plutonius 与无病养蜂场的无症状菌落进行了比较。当更大数量的M时,样品出现症状的可能性增加。在成年蜜蜂和幼虫中发现了plutonius 。讨论了将EFB作为一种蜂类疾病而不是菌落性疾病的可能性以及不使用抗生素的控制策略的含义。



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