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The history of neurosurgery in anatolia and turkey: The turkish neurosurgical society


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Although the history of neurosurgery in Anatolia goes back ten thousand years, modern surgery began in Turkey in 1890. Neurosurgery in Turkey began in the first half of the 20th century. However, general surgeons began applying neurosurgical techniques back in the late 19th century. Most of these applications included procedures for craniocerebral traumas and infections. Dr. Cemil Topuzlu (1868-1958) is the founder of modern surgery in Turkey. Dr. Abdulkadir Cahit Tuner became the first neurosurgeon with a degree in Turkey in 1923. The first neurosurgery department was established in Istanbul in 1923, and the first training program began in the late 1940s. Currently there are almost 1200 neurosurgeons in Turkey and 75 training clinics at university hospitals and Training and Research Hospitals of the Ministry of Health provide neurosurgery training. The current state of neurosurgery in Turkey is parallel to that of the advanced Western countries. Apart from the application of neurosurgical procedures, there have been many scientific studies from Turkish neurosurgeons contributing to the total body of literature in neurosurgery.
机译:尽管安纳托利亚神经外科的历史可以追溯到一万年前,但现代外科手术始于1890年的土耳其。土耳其的神经外科手术始于20世纪上半叶。但是,普通外科医师早在19世纪末就开始应用神经外科技术。这些应用大多数包括颅脑外伤和感染的手术。 Cemil Topuzlu博士(1868-1958)是土耳其现代外科手术的创始人。阿卜杜勒卡迪尔·卡希特·图纳(Abdulkadir Cahit Tuner)博士于1923年成为土耳其首位获得学位的神经外科医师。1923年,第一所神经外科部门在伊斯坦布尔成立,1940年代末期开始了首个培训计划。目前,土耳其有近1200名神经外科医生,大学医院和卫生部训练与研究医院的75家培训诊所提供神经外科培训。土耳其目前的神经外科状况与西方先进国家的状况相似。除了神经外科手术的应用外,土耳其神经外科医师还进行了许多科学研究,这些研究对神经外科文学的整体贡献很大。



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