首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Insect Physiology >Effects of larval host plants on over-wintering preparedness and survival of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

Effects of larval host plants on over-wintering preparedness and survival of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)


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Laboratory colonies of cotton bollworm larvae, Helicoverpa armigera, kept at 20 degrees C under a photoperiod of L:D=10:14 were fed on five host plants (cotton, corn, kidney bean, tobacco and tomato) and an artificial diet (control) to determine the effects of larval host quality on survival and pupal over-wintering preparedness. A separate experiment showed that diapausing pupae weighed more and contained greater nutrient stores than did non-diapausing pupae. Diapausing pupae reared on different host plants showed significant differences in terms of over-wintering reserve storage, and degree of cold-hardiness (extent of low-molecular-weight substances and SCPs), and survivorship. The more nutrients the host plant had, the more the pupae weighed and the higher the levels of total lipids and glycogen. Body water content was also significantly affected by larval food quality. The mean pupal super-cooling capacities varied significantly from -16.7 to -18.9 degrees C according to host plants the larvae feed on, and these significantly related to water content, pupal weight, lipid and glycogen content, and the levels of glycerol. Levels of trehalose, glycerol, and inositol, which were mainly low-molecular-weight substances, showed no significant differences among different host plants, except for trehalose. Pupal mortality varied from 39.7% on corn to 3.3% on the artificial diet, which was significantly related to pupal weight, total lipid content, trehalose levels, and super-cooling points. These results suggest that larval food quality can affect survival and influence the over-wintering preparedness of the cotton bollworm.
机译:将棉铃虫幼虫Helicoverpa armigera的实验室菌落在L:D = 10:14的光周期下于20摄氏度下饲养,并以五种寄主植物(棉花,玉米,芸豆,烟草和番茄)和人工饮食(对照),以确定幼虫寄主质量对存活率和p越冬准备的影响。一项单独的实验表明,与不渗水的-相比,滞水的contained更重,并且含有更多的养分。在不同宿主植物上饲养的滞育p显示出在越冬储量,抗寒性(低分子量物质和SCP的范围)以及存活率方面存在显着差异。寄主植物的营养素越多,the的重量就越重,总脂质和糖原的含量也越高。幼虫的食物质量也显着影响身体的水分含量。根据幼虫取食的寄主植物,平均p过冷能力在-16.7至-18.9摄氏度之间变化显着,这些显着与水含量,al重量,脂质和糖原含量以及甘油水平有关。海藻糖,甘油和肌醇(主要是低分子量物质)的水平除海藻糖外,在不同寄主植物之间没有显着差异。 pal的死亡率从玉米的39.7%到人工饮食的3.3%不等,这与p体重,总脂质含量,海藻糖水平和过冷点显着相关。这些结果表明,幼虫的食物质量会影响棉铃虫的生存并影响其越冬准备。



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