首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hydrology >The impact of forest use and reforestation on soil hydraulic conductivity in the Western Ghats of India: Implications for surface and sub-surface hydrology

The impact of forest use and reforestation on soil hydraulic conductivity in the Western Ghats of India: Implications for surface and sub-surface hydrology


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There is comparatively limited information in the humid tropics on the surface and sub-surface permeability of: (i) forests which have been impacted by multi-decades of human occupancy and (ii) forestation of land in various states of degradation. Even less is known about the dominant stormflow pathways for these respective scenarios. We sampled field saturated hydraulic conductivity, K~* at 23 sites at four depths (0m, n=166), (0.10m, n=139), 0.45-0.60m, n=117, (1.35-1.50m, n=117) under less disturbed forest (Forest), disturbed production forest of various local species (Degraded Forest) and tree-plantations (Acacia auriculiformes, 7-10years old, Tectona grandis, ~25-30years old, Casuarina equisetifolia, 12years old) in the Uttar Kannada district, Karnataka, India, in the Western Ghats. The sampling strategy was also undertaken across three physiographic blocks and under three main soil types. Subsequently the determined K~* were then linked with rainfall intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) characteristics to infer the dominant stormflow pathways.The Degraded Forest shows an order of magnitude decline in K~* at the surface as result of human impacts at decadal to century time scales. The lowest surface permeability is associated with the Degraded Forests over the Laterite (Eutric Nitosols and Acrisols) and Red soils (Eutric Nitosols) and infiltration-excess overland flow, IOF probably occurs. Further there is a progressive decline in K~* with depth in these soils supporting Degraded Forests. The A. auriculiformes plantations over the Red and Lateritic soils are progressively restoring the near-surface K~*, but their K~* still remain quite low when compared to the less disturbed forest permeability. Consequently these plantations still retain the 'memory' from the previous degraded state. In contrast the permeability of the Black soils (Vertisols) are relatively insensitive to T. grandis plantations and this soil group has a very low K~*, irrespective of land cover, so that IOF likely prevails. Overall, the Laterites are the most variable in K~* when compared to the other soil groups. Thus when compared to other studies, IOF is probably more prevalent in this region. More especially so, when taking into account the marked reduction in surface K~* during the wet season when compared to dry season measurements. In addition, we have demonstrated the potential for the 'infiltration - trade-off' hypothesis to be realized in this landscape under certain conditions of land degradation and restoration. It is most relevant to the combination of degraded sites and A. auriculiformes plantations on Red or Laterite soils using the less disturbed forests as the baseline. The intensity of forest use and effects of monoculture plantations on soil ecology (relative to native, mixed forests) is likely to be the critical factor in affecting surface K~* over time. Predicted changes in the intensity of rain events in the future is likely to enhance overland flow on degraded sites on all soils and especially on Black soils, and restoration efforts by all stake-holders, preferably using native or non-invasive species, are needed to address this concern.
机译:在以下地区的湿润热带的表层和次表层渗透率方面的信息相对有限:(i)受数十年人类居住影响的森林;(ii)处于各种退化状态的土地绿化。对于这些场景的主要暴风雨路径知之甚少。我们在四个深度(0m,n = 166),(0.10m,n = 139),0.45-0.60m,n = 117,(1.35-1.50m,n = 117)在受干扰较少的森林(森林),受干扰的各种当地物种的生产林(退化的森林)和人工林(金合欢树,7-10岁,大特克塔纳,〜25-30岁,木麻黄,12岁)下位于西高止山脉的印度卡纳塔克邦的北方邦卡纳达区。还在三个自然地理区域和三种主要土壤类型下进行了采样策略。随后将确定的K〜*与降雨强度-持续时间-频率(IDF)特征联系起来,以推断主要的暴风径流路径。退化的森林显示,由于十年来人类的影响,K〜*在地表的数量级下降到世纪的时间尺度。最低的表面渗透率与红土(中性硝化溶胶和丙烯醛)和红壤(中性硝化溶胶)上的退化森林以及入渗过量的陆上径流有关,很可能发生了IOF。此外,这些土壤中支持退化森林的土壤中钾的含量随着深度的增加而逐渐降低。在红色和红土土壤上的金黄色葡萄球菌人工林正在逐步恢复近地表K〜*,但与受较少干扰的森林渗透性相比,它们的K〜*仍然很低。因此,这些人工林仍然保留了先前退化状态的“记忆”。相比之下,黑土(Vertisols)的渗透性对大叶黄杨人工林相对不敏感,并且该土壤组的K〜*非常低,与土地覆盖率无关,因此IOF可能占优势。总体而言,与其他土壤组相比,红土在K〜*中变化最大。因此,与其他研究相比,IOF在该地区可能更为普遍。更特别地,当考虑到与干燥季节的测量相比在潮湿季节期间表面K *的显着降低时。另外,我们已经证明了在土地退化和恢复的某些条件下在这种情况下实现“渗透-权衡”假说的潜力。它与以较少受干扰的森林为基准的在红色或红土土壤上退化的地点和金黄色葡萄球菌人工林的组合最相关。森林使用强度和单一栽培人工林对土壤生态的影响(相对于原生,混交林)可能是随时间推移影响地表K〜*的关键因素。预计未来降雨事件强度的变化可能会增加所有土壤(尤其是黑土)退化地点的陆上流量,需要所有利益相关者的恢复努力,最好使用原生或非侵入性物种解决这个问题。



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