首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hydrology >Understanding groundwater systems and their functioning through the study of stable water isotopes in a hard-rock aquifer (Maheshwaram watershed, India)

Understanding groundwater systems and their functioning through the study of stable water isotopes in a hard-rock aquifer (Maheshwaram watershed, India)


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Groundwater degradation through abstraction, contamination, etc., shows a world-wide increase and has been of growing concern for the past decades. In this light, the stable isotopes of the water molecule (δ~(18)O and δ~2H) from a hard-rock aquifer in the Maheshwaram watershed (Andhra Pradesh, India) were studied. This small watershed (53km~2) underlain by granite, is endorheic and representative of agricultural land-use in India, with more than 700 bore wells in use. In such a watershed, the effect of overpumping can be severe and the environmental effects of water abstraction and contamination are of vital importance. A detailed and dynamic understanding of groundwater sources and flow paths in this watershed thus is a major issue for both researchers and water managers, especially with regards to water quality as well as the delimitation of resources and long-term sustainability.To this end, the input from monsoon-precipitation was monitored over two cycles, as well as measuring spatial and temporal variations in δ~(18)O and δ~2H in the groundwater and in precipitation. Individual recharge from the two monsoon periods was identified, leading to identification of periods during which evaporation affects groundwater quality through a higher concentration of salts and stable isotopes in the return flow. Such evaporation is further affected by land-use, rice paddies having the strongest evapotranspiration.
机译:由于提取,污染等原因导致的地下水退化在全世界范围内呈上升趋势,并且在过去几十年中受到越来越多的关注。因此,研究了Maheshwaram流域(印度安得拉邦)硬岩含水层中水分子(δ〜(18)O和δ〜2H)的稳定同位素。这个小流域(53 km〜2)由花岗岩包裹,是印度胶粘剂,是农业土地利用的代表,拥有700多口井。在这样一个流域中,过度抽水的影响可能非常严重,取水和污染的环境影响至关重要。因此,对这一流域的地下水源和流径的详细而动态的了解对于研究人员和水管理人员而言都是一个主要问题,特别是在水质,资源划界和长期可持续性方面。对季风降水的输入进行了两个周期的监测,并测量了地下水和降水中δ〜(18)O和δ〜2H的时空变化。确定了两个季风期的个体补给,从而确定了蒸发期通过回流中较高浓度的盐和稳定同位素影响地下水质量的时期。这种蒸发进一步受到土地利用的影响,因为稻田的蒸散量最大。



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