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Forecasting the flood-pulse in Central Amazonia by ENSO-indices


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The flood-pulse of the large rivers in Central Amazonia triggers ecological processes of the floodplain systems inducing a severe seasonality in the annual cycle between the aquatic and the terrestrial phase. The nutrient-rich floodplains (varzea) have the highest human population density in Amazonia and economic activities such as fishing, agriculture, pasture and timber extraction are directly associated with water-level fluctuations. The discharge of many tropical river systems responds to the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) originating from the tropical Pacific. Several studies show a strong relationship between the flooding regime of Amazonian rivers and ENSO-indices, such as the meteorological Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and sea surface temperatures (SSTs). During warm ENSO-phases (El Nino) flood-levels are lowered and aquatic phases are shortened, white high and prolonged flooding is associated to cold ENSO-phases (La Nina). Here we present retrospective forecasts of the maximum water Level in Central Amazonia from 1903 to 2004-generally occurring in the second half Of June-and the length of the aquatic phase along the flood-gradient by models based on the SOI and SST anomalies of the El Nino 3.4 region in February, four months before its appearance. The forecast of the flood-pulse allows also predicting parameters correlated with the flood-pulse (e.g., tree growth, biogeochemical cycles) and increases the efficiency in planning and executing of economic activities by the human population (e.g.; fishery, timber extraction, agriculture). (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:中亚马孙地区大河的洪水脉冲触发了洪泛区系统的生态过程,在水生阶段和陆地阶段之间的年度循环中引发了严重的季节性变化。营养丰富的洪泛区(varzea)是亚马逊地区人口密度最高的国家,诸如渔业,农业,牧场和木材开采等经济活动与水位波动直接相关。许多热带河流系统的排放源于热带太平洋的厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)。多项研究表明,亚马逊河流域的洪水状况与ENSO指数之间存在很强的关系,例如气象学的南方涛动指数(SOI)和海表温度(SST)。在ENSO温暖阶段(厄尔尼诺),洪水位降低,水生期缩短,白色高而漫长的洪水与ENSO寒冷阶段(拉尼娜)有关。在这里,我们根据模型的SOI和SST异常模型,回顾性地预测了1903年至2004年中亚马孙地区的最高水位(通常发生在6月下半月)以及沿洪水梯度的水生期长度。厄尔尼诺(El Nino)3.4地区在2月份出现,距离出现还有四个月。洪水脉冲的预测还可以预测与洪水脉冲相关的参数(例如树木生长,生物地球化学循环),并提高人类计划和执行经济活动(例如渔业,木材开采,农业)的效率)。 (c)2006 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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