首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hydrology >Hydrological modelling of a small catchment using SWAT-2000 - Ensuring correct flow partitioning for contaminant modelling

Hydrological modelling of a small catchment using SWAT-2000 - Ensuring correct flow partitioning for contaminant modelling


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The performance of the SWAT-2000 model was evaluated using stream flow at the outlet of the 142 ha Cotworth catchment (Bedfordshire, UK). This catchment has been monitored since October 1999. The soil type consists of clay loam soil over stony caltareous clay and a rotation of wheat, oil seed rape, grass, beans and peas is grown. Much of the catchment is tile drained. Acceptable performance in hydrological modelling, along with correct simulation of the processes driving the water batance were essential first requirements for predicting contaminant transport. Initial results from SWAT-2000 identified some necessary modifications in the model source code for correct simulation of processes driving water balance. After modification of the code, hydrological simulation, crop growth and evapotranspiration (ET) patterns were realistic when compared with empirical data. Acceptabte model performance (based on a number of error measures) was obtained in final model runs, with reasonable runoff partitioning into overland flow, tile drainage and base flow. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:使用142公顷科特沃思流域(英国贝德福德郡)出口处的水流评估了SWAT-2000模型的性能。自1999年10月以来,对该流域进行了监测。土壤类型包括在石质石灰质粘土上的黏土壤土和小麦,油菜,草,豆和豌豆的轮作。集水区的大部分都被水排干了。在水文建模中可接受的性能,以及对驱动水重整过程的正确模拟,是预测污染物迁移的基本前提。 SWAT-2000的初步结果确定了模型源代码中的一些必要修改,以正确模拟驱动水平衡的过程。修改规范后,与经验数据相比,水文模拟,作物生长和蒸散(ET)模式是现实的。在最终的模型运行中获得了可接受的模型性能(基于许多误差度量),并将合理的径流划分为陆上流量,瓷砖排水和基础流量。 (c)2006 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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