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The influence of forest and topography on snow accumulation and melt at the watershed-scale


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Snow accumulation and melt are the two most important processes contributing to the spring freshet, the main hydrological event in snow-dominated watersheds. The magnitude and timing of the spring freshet is determined by the spatial variability of melt rates and peak snow water equivalent (SWE). Although it is known that the spatial variability of SWE is controlled by topography and vegetation, their combined influence on snow accumulation and melt at the watershed-scale has only been addressed in a few studies. The high small-scale variability of a snowpack combined with the classical sampling technique along transects makes it difficult to estimate how much of the observed spatial variability in SWE can be attributed to topographic and vegetative controls such as elevation, aspect, wind, and forest type, and how much of it is local variability. A nested stratified sampling design was developed for the snow courses in this study, where small-scale variability at the plot-scale was integrated by 12 snow density and 60 snow depth measurements, while the variability at the watershed-scale was captured by 19 strata, defined by elevation, aspect, and forest cover (either clearcut or forest). Snow course sampling was carried out during the spring of 2005, a year with 25% below average snow accumulation, and in spring of 2006, a year with 25% above average snow accumulation for the region. Snow accumulation in both years and snowmelt for a period in the spring of 2006 are analysed with multiple linear regressions and spatial autocorrelation of SWE with variogram analysis. The combination of elevation, aspect, and forest cover explained about 80-90% of the large-scale variability in snow accumulation for both years. At the plot-scale the coefficient of variation was higher under the forest canopy than in clearcuts, but did not relate to topographic controls. Elevation had the greatest influence on SWE in both years, with a steeper gradient in the snow rich year, whereas aspect had a similar effect in both years. In the mild winter of 2005, forests accumulated 39% less snow than clearcuts, while in 2006, forests had 27% less snow than clearcuts. Relative to the mean, aspect had a greater influence on snow accumulation than forest cover in the mild winter of 2005. Elevation played the most important role in snowmelt, while both aspect and forest cover had a comparable effect with slightly less influence than elevation. Almost all variograms show a clear sill, confirming that in the majority of cases, a 60 x 60 m plot size was adequate in capturing the variability of the plot-scale. In general, the degree of spatial autocorrelations is persistent in the snowmelt season for both years. This study has shown that it is possible to separate large-scale variability created by topography and forest cover from plot-scale variability through specifically designed snow surveys. The methods and data set of this study are useful in testing spatially-distributed snowmelt models and in developing new algorithms that reflect the relationships between the factors controlling the spatial variability of SWE. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:积雪和融雪是促成春季新生的两个最重要过程,而春季新生是在以雪为主的流域的主要水文事件。春季新生水的大小和时间取决于融化率和峰值雪水当量(SWE)的空间变异性。尽管已知SWE的空间变异性受地形和植被控制,但它们在分水岭尺度上对积雪和融雪的综合影响仅在少数研究中得到了解决。积雪的高小尺度变异性与沿样条线的经典采样技术相结合,使得很难估计SWE中观察到的空间变异有多少可归因于地形和植物控制,例如海拔,纵横比,风和森林类型,其中多少是局部可变性。在这项研究中,为雪道开发了一个嵌套的分层抽样设计,通过12个积雪密度和60个积雪深度测量,将样地规模的小规模变异性综合在一起,而由19个地层捕获了分水岭规模的变异性。 ,由海拔,纵横比和森林覆盖率(明确林或森林)定义。在2005年春季(该年积雪量低于平均积雪的25%)和2006年春季(该地区积雪量高于平均积雪的25%)进行了雪道采样。利用多元线性回归和SWE的空间自相关与变异函数分析,分析了2006年春季的多年积雪和融雪。海拔,纵横比和森林覆盖率的组合解释了两年积雪的大规模变化的大约80-90%。在样地尺度上,森林冠层下的变异系数比无伐林下的高,但与地形控制无关。在这两年中,高程对SWE的影响最大,在积雪年中坡度较陡,而在这两年中纵横比的影响相似。在2005年温和的冬季,森林积雪比无积木少39%,而在2006年,森林积雪比无积木少27%。相对于平均值,在2005年温和的冬季,纵横比对积雪的影响大于森林覆盖。高程在融雪中起着最重要的作用,而纵横比和森林覆盖的影响相当,但影响不及海拔。几乎所有的变异函数图都显示出清晰的基石,这证实了在大多数情况下,60 x 60 m的地块大小足以捕获地块规模的变化。通常,在两年的融雪季节中,空间自相关的程度都是持续的。这项研究表明,通过专门设计的积雪调查,可以将地形和森林覆盖物造成的大规模变化与地块规模的变化区分开。这项研究的方法和数据集可用于测试空间分布的融雪模型和开发新的算法,以反映控制SWE空间变异性的因素之间的关系。 (c)2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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