首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hydrology >Identifiability of diffusion and retention parameters of anionic tracers from the diffusion and retention (DR) experiment

Identifiability of diffusion and retention parameters of anionic tracers from the diffusion and retention (DR) experiment


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In situ diffusion experiments in low-permeability rocks are performed to study radionuclide diffusion and sorption and investigate scale effects. They are carried out in a packed-off interval of a borehole having a circulation system in which tracers are injected and allowed to diffuse into the rock. Tracer concentrations are monitored at the tracer interval during the experiment (dilution data) and measured at the end of the experiment in rock cores (overcoring data). The interpretation of in situ diffusion experiments in clay formations is challenging due to the influence of the filter, the gap between the filter and the borehole wall and the borehole disturbed zone (BDZ). The impact of the filter, the gap and the BDZ on the estimates of the accessible porosity and the effective diffusion,. D _e, of the rock in the presence of random noise has been evaluated for the anionic tracers with synthetic experiments having the geometry and parameters of the in situ diffusion and retention (DR) experiment performed on Opalinus clay. The component of. D _e of the clay parallel to the bedding can be estimated properly from dilution data when the standard deviation of the noise of the data is smaller than 0.05, but the component of. D _e normal to the bedding cannot be estimated from dilution data. On the other hand, both components of. D _e can be estimated properly from noisy overcoring data. Although the parameters of the BDZ and the undisturbed clay cannot be estimated simultaneously from noisy dilution data, they can be estimated from noisy overcoring data when the standard deviation of the noise is smaller than 0.05. Parameter estimation errors are large when the assumption about the BDZ is incorrect. The uncertainties in the. D _e of the filter and in the volume of the circulation system have a noticeable impact on the estimates of the diffusion and porosity of the clay derived from dilution data. On the other hand, acceptable parameter estimates are obtained from overcoring data. The estimation errors of the parameters of the anionic tracers are generally larger than those of the neutral and weakly-sorbing tracers.
机译:在低渗透率岩石中进行了原位扩散实验,以研究放射性核素的扩散和吸附并研究水垢效应。它们是在具有循环系统的井眼的一定间隔内进行的,在循环系统中注入了示踪剂并扩散到岩石中。在实验过程中以示踪剂间隔监测示踪剂浓度(稀释数据),并在实验结束时在岩心中进行测量(示踪数据)。由于过滤器的影响,过滤器与井壁之间的间隙以及井壁扰动区(BDZ)的影响,对粘土地层中原位扩散实验的解释具有挑战性。过滤器,间隙和BDZ对可及孔隙率和有效扩散的估算的影响。已经使用合成实验对阴离子示踪剂中存在的阴离子噪声进行了D _e评估,该合成实验具有在Opalinus粘土上进行的原位扩散和保留(DR)实验的几何形状和参数。的组成部分。当数据噪声的标准偏差小于0.05时,可以根据稀释数据正确地估计平行于顺层的粘土的D_e。无法从稀释数据中估算出与床品垂直的D _e。另一方面,这两个组成部分。 D _e可以根据噪声过大的数据正确估计。尽管不能从有噪声的稀释数据中同时估算BDZ和未扰动粘土的参数,但是当噪声的标准偏差小于0.05时,可以从有噪声的过芯数据估计它们。当关于BDZ的假设不正确时,参数估计误差会很大。的不确定性。过滤器的D_e和循环系统的体积D_e对根据稀释数据得出的粘土扩散和孔隙率的估计值有显着影响。另一方面,可接受的参数估计值是从过采样数据中获得的。阴离子示踪剂的参数估计误差通常大于中性和弱吸收示踪剂的估计误差。



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