首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hydrology >Flow variables for ecological studies in temperate streams: groupings based on covariance

Flow variables for ecological studies in temperate streams: groupings based on covariance


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In this paper we investigate similarities in streamflow variables, identify groups of variables that represent different aspects of the flow regime, and we discuss the ecological relevance of these groups. For the study we used 35 flow variables for 62 New Zealand perennial rivers, which cover a wide range of flow regimes. All flow variables were calculated using daily mean flows from a common 7-year period. They included general flow variables (which express general features without focusing on extreme flows, such as mean flow and coefficient of variation), high flow variables and low flow variables. Four groups of variables were identified based on covariance among the sites through a principal components analysis. These groups were: (1) the size of the river (central tendency of magnitude); (2) the overall variability of flow (including magnitude of high and low flows); (3) the volume of high flows; and (4) the frequency of high flow events. The ecological relevance of each of the four groups is discussed. We also examined statistical properties of the flow variables such as the inter-annual variability, which was low for the general flow variables and high for variables that characterize the highest floods. We recommend that a suite of different variables representing each of the identified groups be used in riverine ecological studies in order that the different facets of flow regimes be adequately represented. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. [References: 56]
机译:在本文中,我们调查了流量变量的相似性,确定了代表流量状态不同方面的变量组,并讨论了这些组的生态相关性。在研究中,我们使用了62个新西兰多年生河流的35个流量变量,这些流量变量涵盖了各种流量类型。所有流量变量均使用共同7年期的每日平均流量进行计算。它们包括一般流量变量(表示一般特征而不关注极端流量,例如平均流量和变异系数),高流量变量和低流量变量。通过主成分分析,基于位点之间的协方差确定了四组变量。这些组是:(1)河流的大小(大小的集​​中趋势); (2)流量的整体可变性(包括高流量和低流量的大小); (3)高流量; (4)高流量事件的发生频率。讨论了四组中每一组的生态相关性。我们还检查了流量变量的统计特性,例如年际可变性,对于一般流量变量而言较低,而对于具有最高洪水特征的变量而言较高。我们建议在河流生态学研究中使用代表每个已识别群体的一组不同变量,以充分体现不同流态的不同方面。 (C)2000 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。 [参考:56]



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