首页> 外文期刊>Journal of health politics, policy and law >Medicaid Long-Term Care: State Variation and the Intergovernmental Lobby

Medicaid Long-Term Care: State Variation and the Intergovernmental Lobby


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Medicaid is vastly more important than Medicare or private insurance in funding long-termcare (LTC). However, states vary tremendously in their commitment to Medicaid LTC. This article advances knowledge of the origins, nature, and implications of this variation. After examining the degree of variation in state spending on Medicaid LTC, we show how federal policy has over the past fifty years steadily increased state discretion to shape these services. This decentralization largely reflects the potency of the intergovernmental lobby-governors and other state officials-in influencing federal policy. While fueling state variation, the intergovernmental lobby has also provided valuable political support that has helped Medicaid grow and resist retrenchment. After considering policy options that could mitigate Medicaid LTC inequities rooted in state differences, we assess how the catalytic forces that have fueled growth in Medicaid LTC may be insufficient to protect the program from future erosion.
机译:在资助长期护理(LTC)方面,医疗补助比医疗保险或私人保险重要得多。但是,各州对Medicaid LTC的承诺差异很大。本文将进一步介绍这种变化的起源,性质和含义。在检查了州在Medicaid LTC上的支出变化程度之后,我们展示了过去50年来联邦政策如何稳步增加州对这些服务的自由裁量权。这种权力下放在很大程度上反映了政府间游说政府和其他州官员对联邦政策的影响力。政府间的游说活动在助长国家分化的同时,也提供了宝贵的政治支持,帮助医疗补助增长并抵制裁员。在考虑了可以减轻根源于国家差异的医疗补助LTC不平等的政策选择之后,我们评估了推动医疗补助LTC增长的催化力量可能不足以保护该计划免受未来侵蚀。



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