首页> 外文期刊>Journal of human kinetics >Electromyographic Comparison of Traditional and Suspension Push-Ups

Electromyographic Comparison of Traditional and Suspension Push-Ups


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There is very limited scientific data concerning suspension training. The purpose of this investigation was to compare the electromyographic activity of the pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, and triceps brachii between a suspension push-up and traditional push-up. Twenty-one apparently healthy men (n = 15, age = 25.93 +/- 3.67 years) and women (n = 6, age = 23.5 +/- 1.97 years) volunteered to participate in this study. All subjects performed four repetitions of a suspension push-up and a traditional push-up where the order of the exercises was randomized. The mean peak and normalized electromyography of the pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, and triceps brachii were compared across the two exercises. Suspension push-ups elicited the following electromyographic values: pectoralis major (3.08 +/- 1.13 mV, 69.54 +/- 27.6 % MVC), anterior deltoid (5.08 +/- 1.55 mV, 81.13 +/- 17.77 % MVC), and triceps brachii (5.11 +/- 1.97 mV, 105.83 +/- 18.54 % MVC). The electromyographic activities during the traditional push-up were as follows: pectoralis major (2.66 +/- 1.05 mV, 63.62 +/- 16.4 % MVC), anterior deltoid (4.01 +/- 1.27 mV, 58.91 +/- 20.3 % MVC), and triceps brachii (3.91 +/- 1.36 mV, 74.32 +/- 16.9 % MVC). The mean peak and normalized electromyographic values were significantly higher for all 3 muscles during the suspension push-up compared to the traditional push-up (p < 0.05). This study suggests that the suspension push-up elicited a greater activation of pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, and triceps brachii when compared to a traditional push-up. Therefore, suspension push-ups may be considered an advanced variation of a traditional push-up when a greater challenge is warranted.
机译:关于悬架训练的科学数据非常有限。这项研究的目的是比较悬吊俯卧撑和传统俯卧撑之间的胸大肌,前三角肌和肱三头肌的肌电活动。 21名貌似健康的男性(n = 15,年龄= 25.93 +/- 3.67岁)和女性(n = 6,年龄= 23.5 +/- 1.97岁)自愿参加了这项研究。所有受试者均进行了四个重复的俯卧撑和传统俯卧撑,其中练习的顺序是随机的。在两次练习中比较了胸大肌,前三角肌和肱三头肌的平均峰值和标准化肌电图。悬吊俯卧撑产生以下肌电图值:胸大肌(3.08 +/- 1.13 mV,69.54 +/- 27.6%MVC),前三角肌(5.08 +/- 1.55 mV,81.13 +/- 17.77%MVC)和三头肌臂(5.11 +/- 1.97 mV,105.83 +/- 18.54%MVC)。传统俯卧撑期间的肌电活动如下:胸大肌(2.66 +/- 1.05 mV,63.62 +/- 16.4%MVC),前三角肌(4.01 +/- 1.27 mV,58.91 +/- 20.3%MVC)和肱三头肌(3.91 +/- 1.36 mV,74.32 +/- 16.9%MVC)。与传统的俯卧撑相比,悬吊俯卧撑期间所有3块肌肉的平均峰值和标准化肌电图值均显着更高(p <0.05)。这项研究表明,与传统俯卧撑相比,俯卧撑俯卧撑可引起更大的胸大肌,前三角肌和肱三头肌的激活。因此,在需要更大的挑战时,可以将悬挂式俯卧撑视为传统俯卧撑的高级改进。



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