首页> 外文期刊>Coal Age >Total Number of Longwall Faces Drops Below 50--Ownership for several mines in West Virginia changes hands

Total Number of Longwall Faces Drops Below 50--Ownership for several mines in West Virginia changes hands


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Last year proved to be a robust year for underground coal mines. Coal prices remained relatively strong throughout the year, especially for metallurgical grade coal. For those companies that employ longwall mining--the most productive form of underground coal mining--profit margins were high too. Despite the promising market conditions, five faces and three mines were removed from the Coal Age 2009 U.S. Longwall Census. One face was added to bring the total to 44 mines operating 48 faces. For the first time since Coal Age began tracking the longwall mines, the number of faces dropped below 50. A total of five mines operate two longwall faces. CON-SOL Energy remains the leader with 12 faces. Arch Coal operates five longwall mines. Robert E. Murray owns five longwall mines. West Virginia has 13 longwalls, followed by Pennsylvania (8), Utah (6), and Alabama (6).
机译:去年被证明是地下煤矿强劲的一年。全年煤炭价格保持相对强劲,尤其是冶金级煤炭。对于那些采用长壁开采法(地下煤矿的最有生产力的形式)的公司来说,利润率也很高。尽管市场前景看好,但《 2009年美国煤炭时代》长壁普查取消了五个工作面和三个煤矿。添加了一张工作面,使总数达到44个,经营着48个工作面。自从《煤炭时代》开始追踪长壁矿井以来,工作面数量首次降至50以下。总共有五个矿井经营着两个长壁工作面。 CON-SOL Energy仍然是领导者,拥有12张面孔。 Arch Coal经营着五个长壁煤矿。罗伯特·E·默里(Robert E. Murray)拥有五个长壁矿山。西弗吉尼亚州有13个长城,其次是宾夕法尼亚州(8),犹他州(6)和阿拉巴马州(6)。



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