首页> 外文期刊>Journal of geophysical research. Solid earth: JGR >Upper mantle seismic anisotropy at a strike-slip boundary: South Island, New Zealand

Upper mantle seismic anisotropy at a strike-slip boundary: South Island, New Zealand


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New shear wave splitting measurements made from stations onshore and offshore the South Island of New Zealand show a zone of anisotropy 100–200 km wide. Measurements in central South Island and up to approximately 100 km offshore from the west coast yield orientations of the fast quasi-shear wave nearly parallel to relative platemotion, with increased obliquity to this orientation observed farther from shore. On the eastern side of the island, fast orientations rotate counterclockwise to become nearly perpendicular to the orientation of relative plate motion approximately 200 km off the east coast. Uniform delay times between the fast and slow quasi-shear waves of nearly 2.0 s onshore continue to stations approximately 100 km off the west coast, after which they decrease to ~1 s at 200 km. Stations more than ~300 km from the west coast show little to no splitting. East coast stations have delay times around 1 s. Simple strain fields calculated from a thin viscous sheet model (representing distributed lithospheric deformation) with strain rates decreasing exponentially to both the northwest and southeast with e-folding dimensions of 25–35 km (approximately 75% of the deformation within a zone 100–140 km wide) match orientations and amounts of observed splitting. A model of deformation localized in the lithosphere and then spreading out in the asthenosphere also yields predictions consistent with observed splitting if, at depths of 100–130 km below the lithosphere, typical grain sizes are ~ 6–7mm.
机译:在新西兰南岛的陆上和海上站点进行的新的切变波分裂测量显示出一个100-200 km宽的各向异性带。在南岛中部和距西海岸约100 km处的测量结果,产生了快速准剪切波的方向,该方向几乎平行于相对板块运动,而在离海岸较远的地方,该方向的倾角增加。在该岛的东侧,快速方向逆时针旋转,使其几乎垂直于离东海岸约200 km的相对板块运动的方向。陆上近2.0 s的快速和慢速准剪切波之间的均匀延迟时间继续在距西海岸约100 km处到达,然后在200 km处降至〜1 s。离西海岸约300公里以上的站点几乎没有分裂。东海岸站的延迟时间约为1 s。由薄粘性板模型(代表分布的岩石圈变形)计算出的简单应变场,其应变率向西北和东南呈指数下降,电子折叠尺寸为25-35 km(约占100-140区变形的75%)公里宽)匹配方向和观察到的裂开量。如果在岩石圈以下100–130 km的深度处,典型的晶粒尺寸为〜6mm至7mm,则变形模型位于岩石圈中,然后在软流层中扩展,也可以得出与观测到的分裂相一致的预测。



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