首页> 外文期刊>Journal of geophysical research. Solid earth: JGR >Satellite thermal observations of the Bezymianny lava dome 1993-2008: Precursory activity, large explosions, and dome growth

Satellite thermal observations of the Bezymianny lava dome 1993-2008: Precursory activity, large explosions, and dome growth


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Fifteen years worth of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data is presented and used to quantitatively assess processes occurring at Bezymianny. This andesitic volcano is one of Kamchatka's most dangerous volcanoes with 16 eruptions in the last decade that have dispersed ash into North Pacific air routes. All known episodes of increased activity for which data were available were detected in band 3 (3.53-3.93 μm)AVHRR thermal data. Twenty-three peaks can be seen in the data; nineteen peaks correspond to known explosions, while the remaining three peaks correspond to known phases of dome growth that were not believed to have been accompanied by explosive activity. Start and end dates of extrusive phases defined by the thermal data are presented.Repose times between phases of extrusion vary from four months to just over two and half years with an average of just less than a year. Using rank-order statistics a 'maximum'time interval between consecutive explosions of 1288 ± 170 days is determined; this could serve as a cut-off time for declaring the current dome-growth activity over. The calculated cumulative erupted volume (0.28 km~3) and time-averaged extrusion rate (0.6 m~3 s~(-1)) from 1993 to 2008 corresponds to values found at Bezymianny from 1956 to 1976,showing pat the satellite-based methodology provides a good way of quantitatively assessing dome growth. Three different types of precursors to explosive behavior have been identified at Bezymianny: (1) values that cluster around the mode of the data set prior to explosion, potentially due to endogenous dome growth, (2) upward trends that commence 15-20 days prior to explosion and reach sensor saturation levels are due to significant extrusion, and (3) a gradual upward trend that starts 5 days prior to explosion,probably due to ramping up of extrusion. This work shows that retrospectively analyzing and modeling of a volcano's thermal signal provides increased insight into its characteristic behavior. The methods used in this paper can be used at other dome-building volcanoes around the world. The insights presented here can be used to improve monitoring capabilities to aid in providing early warnings to large explosions at Bezymianny.
机译:介绍了十五年的先进超高分辨率辐射计(AVHRR)数据,并将其用于定量评估Bezymianny发生的过程。这个安第斯山脉的火山是堪察加半岛最危险的火山之一,在过去十年中爆发了16次,这些火山灰将火山灰散布到北太平洋的空中航线中。在波段3(3.53-3.93μm)AVHRR热数据中检测到所有已知的活动增加的可用数据的事件。数据中可以看到23个峰。 19个峰对应于已知的爆炸,而其余三个峰对应于圆顶生长的已知阶段,这些阶段不被认为具有爆炸活性。给出了由热数据定义的挤出阶段的开始和结束日期。挤出阶段之间的静止时间从四个月到刚过两年半的时间不等,平均不到一年。使用等级统计,可以确定连续爆炸1288±170天之间的“最大”时间间隔;这可以作为宣布当前圆顶增长活动的截止时间。从1993年至2008年计算出的累积喷发量(0.28 km〜3)和时间平均挤压速率(0.6 m〜3 s〜(-1))对应于1956年至1976年在Bezymianny发现的值方法学提供了定量评估圆顶增长的好方法。在Bezymianny,已经确定了三种不同类型的爆炸行为先兆:(1)可能是由于内源性圆顶增长而导致爆炸前的数据集围绕模式集聚的值;(2)在爆炸前15-20天开始的上升趋势达到爆炸并达到传感器饱和水平是由于大量挤压,以及(3)爆炸前5天开始的逐渐上升趋势,可能是由于挤压的增加。这项工作表明,对火山的热信号进行回顾性分析和建模可以使人们更加了解其特征行为。本文使用的方法可用于世界各地的其他圆顶建筑火山。此处提供的见解可用于提高监视功能,以帮助向Bezymianny的大型爆炸提供预警。



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