首页> 外文期刊>Journal of geophysical research. Solid earth: JGR >Plagioclase preferred orientation in layered mylonites: Evaluation of flow laws for the lower crust

Plagioclase preferred orientation in layered mylonites: Evaluation of flow laws for the lower crust


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We evaluate the applicability of plagioclase and gabbro flow laws by comparing predicted and observed deformation mechanisms in gabbroic shear zones. Gabbros and layered gabbro mylonites were collected from the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR), Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B. Deformation temperatures are constrained by two-pyroxene thermometry, stress is estimated from grain size, and deformation mechanisms are analyzed by microstructure and the presence or absence of a lattice preferred orientation (LPO). Our analyses indicate that mylonite layers deformed at a strain rate in the range of 10?12 to 10?11 s?1, while coarse-grained gabbro deformed at a strain rate of approximately 10?14 to 10?13 s?1. Plagioclase in pure plagioclase mylonite layers exhibit strong LPOs indicating that they deformed by dislocation creep. Plagioclase grain size in mixed plagioclase-pyroxene mylonite layers is finer than in pure plagioclase layers and depends on the size and proportion of pyroxenes. Progressive mixing of pyroxene and plagioclase within gabbro mylonite layers is accompanied by weakening of the LPO, indicating that phase mixing promotes a transition to diffusion creep processes that involve grain boundary sliding. Our results indicate that experimental flow laws are accurate at geologic strain rates, although the strain rate for diffusion creep of fine-grained gabbro may be underestimated. At the conditions estimated for the SWIR crust, our calculations suggest that strain localization leads to a factor of 2–4 decrease in lower crustal viscosity. Away from shear zones, the viscosity of lower gabbroic crust is predicted to be similar to that of dry upper mantle.
机译:通过比较辉长岩剪切带中预测和观察到的变形机制,我们评估斜长石和辉长岩流定律的适用性。辉长岩和层状辉长岩lon石从西南印第安海岭(SWIR)的海洋钻探计划洞735B中收集。变形温度受二-测温法的限制,根据晶粒大小估算应力,并通过微观结构和是否存在晶格优先取向(LPO)来分析变形机理。我们的分析表明,镍铁矿层的应变速率在10?12至10?11 s?1的范围内变形,而粗粒辉长岩的应变速率在10?14至10?13 s?1的范围内变形。纯斜长石my石层中的斜长石显示出很强的LPO,表明它们由于位错蠕变而变形。斜长石-辉石混合镍铁矿层中斜长石的晶粒尺寸比纯斜长石层更细,并且取决于辉石的尺寸和比例。辉石和斜长石在辉长岩镍铁矿层中的逐步混合伴随着LPO的减弱,表明相混合促进了向扩散蠕变过程的过渡,该过程涉及晶界滑动。我们的结果表明,尽管可能会低估细粒辉长岩扩散蠕变的应变速率,但实验流量定律在地质应变速率下是准确的。在SWIR地壳的估算条件下,我们的计算表明,应变局部化会导致低地壳粘度降低2-4倍。远离剪切带,下辉长岩地壳的粘度预计与干燥的上地幔相似。



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