首页> 外文期刊>Journal of geophysical research. Solid earth: JGR >Plume mantle source heterogeneity through time: Insights from the Duarte Complex, Hispaniola, northeastern Caribbean

Plume mantle source heterogeneity through time: Insights from the Duarte Complex, Hispaniola, northeastern Caribbean


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Located in the Cordillera Central of Hispaniola, the Duarte Complex offers an opportunity to study an on-land fragment of the Caribbean-Colombian oceanic plateau. Geochemical, Sr-Nd isotope, and 40Ar-39Ar radiometric age data combined with detailed mapping have shown that the Duarte Complex includes two lithostratigraphic units, composed of four geochemical groups of metavolcanic rocks: Group Ia, low-Ti high-Mg basalts, and group Ib, high-Ti picrites and primitive high-Mg basalts, occur interlayered in the lowermost levels of the lower unit; group II, light rare earth element (LREE)-enriched picrites, ferropicrites and high-Mg basalts, forms the main lava sequence of the lower unit; and group III, LREE-enriched Fe-Ti basalts, is present exclusively in the upper unit. Nd isotope and incompatible trace element patterns are diverse in the Duarte Complex metavolcanics and are consistent with mantle sources related to a heterogeneous plume. Mantle melt modeling suggests that an early, extensive melting (10–20%) of shallow mantle resulted in the formation of relatively depleted group I and II magmas, whereas the late, more enriched group III magmas were the product of deeper, low-degree (<3%) melting of a heterogeneous plume. Therefore plume mantle sources were more enriched and deeper through time. Foliated amphibolites of the Duarte Complex yield 40Ar-39Ar hornblende plateau ages of 93.9 ± 1.4 and 95.8 ± 1.9 Ma (Cenomanian, 99.6–93.5 Ma) that demonstrate an older age of the protholiths, probably Albian (>96 Ma). Hence an Early Cretaceous phase of the Caribbean-Colombian oceanic plateau construction is recorded in Hispaniola.
机译:杜阿尔特综合大楼位于伊斯帕尼奥拉的中央山脉,为研究加勒比海-哥伦比亚洋地高原的陆上碎片提供了机会。地球化学,Sr-Nd同位素和40Ar-39Ar辐射年龄数据以及详细的制图显示,杜阿尔特复杂岩体包括两个岩石地层单元,由四个超火山岩地球化学组组成:Ia组,低Ti高镁玄武岩和Ib族高钛微晶岩和原始高镁玄武岩夹层在下部单元的最低层中;第二类是富含轻稀土元素的苦味岩,铁锰矿和高镁玄武岩,形成下部单元的主要熔岩层序。第三类,富含稀土元素的铁钛玄武岩,仅存在于上部单元中。在Duarte复杂的超火山中,Nd同位素和不相容的痕量元素模式各不相同,并且与与异质羽流有关的地幔源一致。地幔融化模型表明,浅层地幔的早期,广泛的融化(10-20%)导致形成了相对耗竭的第一和第二类岩浆,而晚期,更富集的第三类岩浆是更深,低度的产物。 (<3%)异质羽流融化。因此,随着时间的流逝,羽流地幔来源变得更加丰富和深入。 Duarte复合体的叶状闪石产生的40Ar-39Ar角闪石高原年龄分别为93.9±1.4和95.8±1.9 Ma(切诺曼尼亚时代,99.6–93.5 Ma),表明原生岩年龄较大,可能为Albian(> 96 Ma)。因此,在伊斯帕尼奥拉记录了加勒比-哥伦比亚海洋高原建设的白垩纪早期阶段。



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