首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Ichthyology >Stromateoid Fishes (Suborder Stromateoidei) of the Indian Ocean (Species Composition, Distribution, Biology, and Fisheries)

Stromateoid Fishes (Suborder Stromateoidei) of the Indian Ocean (Species Composition, Distribution, Biology, and Fisheries)


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At least 34 species of stromateoid fishes (including seven endemic species) were found in the Indian Ocean. These fishes represent all six families of the suborder. Five species (Psenopsis intermedia, Cubiceps kotlyari, C. macrolepis, C. namus, and Ariomma parini) were described for the first time, and six species (Pseudoicichthys australis, Schedophilus huttoni, S. maculatus, C. caeruleus, Psenes maculatus, and A. lurida) were observed in this region for the first time during the former USSR surveysfrom 1973 to 1990. This study supports an opinion about the identity of the nominal species C. whiteleggii and C. squamosus; the inclusion of Parapsenes rotundus into the synonymy of P. cyanophrys is proposed; and an occurrence of A. lurida in the Indian Ocean is demonstrated for the first time. The majority of stromateoid fishes of the Indian Ocean (21 species) belongs to the epimesopelagic group; eleven species represented the mesobenthopelagic group; and two species could be referred to the shelf group. In the fauna of the Indian Ocean, the representatives of the suborder Stromateoidei include 21 tropical species, five subtropical species, and eight species of the temperate zone. The biology of stromateoid fishes previously had been poorly studied.The size range of the fish varies between 12 and 140 cm, and their age was from 3 to 15 years. The juveniles were often observed under the driftwood or in association with medusas, siphonophores, and salpas. The food consisted more often of the soft-bodied animals (mainly Tunicata). The commercial importance of these fishes is not large. The following species have the largest commercial value: Psenopsis cyanea on the slope of the Arabian Peninsula, Hyperoglyphe antarctica and Schedophilus velaini above the seamounts in the open waters of the temperate zone, and Ariomma indica and Stromateus argenteus on the shelves the northern Indian Ocean.
机译:在印度洋至少发现了34种类间质鱼类(包括7种特有种)。这些鱼代表了该亚目的所有六个科。首次描述了5种(中间Psenopsis intermedia,Cubiceps kotlyari,C。macrolepis,C。namus和Ariomma parini),以及6种(Pseudoicichthys australis,Schedophilus huttoni,S。maculatus,C。caeruleus,Psenes maculatus和) 1973年至1990年,在前苏联的调查中,首次在该地区观察到了A. lurida)。这项研究支持了有关名义物种C. whiteleggii和C. squamosus身份的观点。提出将圆柏对虾纳入蓝桉的同义词。首次证明了印度洋中的芦苇A. lurida发生。印度洋的大多数类石质鱼类(21种)属于上古生骨类。代表中底贝类的11种。可以将两种物种称为货架群。在印度洋的动物区系中,Stromateoidei亚纲的代表包括21种热带物种,5种亚热带物种和8种温带地区。以前对石龙类鱼类的生物学研究还很薄弱,鱼的大小范围在12至140厘米之间,年龄在3至15岁之间。经常在浮木下或与美杜莎,虹吸虫和sal一起观察到这些少年。食物中大多数是软性动物(主要是突尼卡塔)。这些鱼的商业重要性并不大。以下物种具有最大的商业价值:阿拉伯半岛的山坡上的蓝藻,南温带裸露的南极Hyperhylyoglyphe和温带地区的Schedophilus velaini,以及印度洋北部陆架上的印度A和印度细叶猴(Stromateus argenteus)。



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