首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Human Evolution >Fossil hominin radii from the Sima de los Huesos Middle Pleistocene site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain)

Fossil hominin radii from the Sima de los Huesos Middle Pleistocene site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain)

机译:Sima de los Huesos中更新世遗址(西班牙塞拉利昂阿塔普尔卡)的化石人源半径

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Complete radii in the fossil record preceding recent humans and Neandertals are very scarce. Here we introduce the radial remains recovered from the Sima de los Huesos (SH) site in the Sierra de Atapuerca between 1976 and 2011 and which have been dated in excess of 430 ky (thousands of years) ago. The sample comprises 89 specimens, 49 of which are attributed to adults representing a minimum of seven individuals. All elements are described anatomically and metrically, and compared with other fossil hominins and recent humans in order to examine the phylogenetic polarity of certain radial features. Radial remains from SH have some traits that differentiate them from those of recent humans and make them more similar to Neandertals, including strongly curved shafts, anteroposterior expanded radial heads and both absolutely and relatively long necks. In contrast, the SH sample differs from Neandertals in showing a high overall gracility as well as a high frequency (80%) of an anteriorly oriented radial tuberosity. Thus, like the cranial and dental remains from the SH site, characteristic Neandertal radial morphology is not present fully in the SH radii. We also analyzed the cross-sectional properties of the SH radial sample at two different levels: mid-shaft and at the midpoint of the neck length. When standardized by shaft length, no difference in the mid-shaft cross-sectional properties were found between the SH hominins, Neandertals and recent humans. Nevertheless, due to their long neck length, the SH hominins show a higher lever efficiency than either Neandertals or recent humans. Functionally, the SH radial morphology is consistent with more efficient pronation-supination and flexion-extension movements. The particular trait composition in the SH sample and Neandertals resembles more closely morphology evident in recent human males. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:最近人类和尼安德特人之前的化石记录中的完整半径非常稀缺。在这里,我们介绍了从1976年至2011年从阿塔普尔卡山脉(Sierra de Atapuerca)的Sima de los Huesos(SH)站点回收的放射状遗骸,这些遗骸的日期已超过430 ky(数千年前)。该样本包括89个标本,其中49个标本归因于至少代表7个人的成年人。所有元素都在解剖学和度量学上进行了描述,并与其他化石人类素和最近的人类进行了比较,以检查某些放射状特征的系统发育极性。 SH的ial骨残骸具有一些特征,使其与新近的人类有所区别,使其与尼安德特人更相似,包括强烈弯曲的杆身,前后扩张的radial骨头,绝对和相对长的脖子。相比之下,SH样品与尼安德特人的样品的不同之处在于,它具有较高的总体可塑性以及前向径向结节的高频率(80%)。因此,就像SH部位的颅骨和牙齿残骸一样,SH半径中并不完全存在特征性的尼安德特人径向形态。我们还分析了两个不同水平的SH径向样品的截面特性:轴的中部和颈部长度的中点。当通过轴长标准化时,在SH型人,尼安德特人和新近人类之间没有发现中轴横截面特性的差异。然而,由于它们的脖子长,SH人参显示出比尼安德特人或新人类更高的杠杆效率。在功能上,SH径向形态与更有效的旋前旋前和屈伸运动相一致。 SH样品和尼安德特人的特殊性状组成与最近的男性雄性中表现出的形态更加相似。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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