首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences >Structure of an island-arc: Wide-angle seismic studies in the eastern Aleutian Islands, Alaska

Structure of an island-arc: Wide-angle seismic studies in the eastern Aleutian Islands, Alaska


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New seismic wide-angle data from the eastern Aleutian Islands show a mafic composition and a 30-km-thick island-arc crust. Traveltimes of P and S refracted arrivals and prominent crustal and mantle reflectors observed to offsets of over 300 km were used to derive velocity models for the eastern Aleutian Arc between the islands of Atka and Unimak using a three-dimensional finite difference modeling and tomography code. We interpret the highest crustal P wave velocities of 7.2-7.4 km/s between about 12 and about 22 km depth to the south and north of the main volcanic line as remainders of preexisting oceanic crust into which arc magma is intruded. Apart from the pieces of oceanic crust, the velocities suggest an overall mafic composition for the arc, composed mainly of metabasalts, diorite and diabase in the upper crust, and garnet-granulite or amphibolite-to-hornblende in the lower crust. Reflected arrivals from the subducting Pacific plate at depths of 45-55 km beneath the fore-arc, together with P_n, show a mantle wedge with P wave velocities as low as 7.4 km/s, increasing with depth to about 8.1 k /s with an average of about 7,7 km/s. A mantle composition that grades from mainly pyroxenite (probably ultramafic cumulates) near the Moho to dunite at greater depths best explains these observed velocities.
机译:来自阿留申群岛东部的新地震广角数据显示出铁镁质成分和厚30公里的岛弧地壳。利用三维有限差分建模和层析成像代码,利用P和S折射到达的行进时间以及观测到偏移超过300 km的显着地壳和地幔反射器的旅行时间,得出了阿特卡岛和尤尼马克岛之间阿留申弧线的速度模型。我们将主火山线以南和以北约12至约22 km深度之间的7.2-7.4 km / s的最高地壳P波速度解释为已侵入弧岩浆的原有洋壳的剩余部分。除洋壳碎片外,速度还表明弧线整体呈镁铁质成分,主要由上地壳中的玄武岩,闪长岩和辉绿岩组成,而下地壳中的石榴石-白云母或角闪石-角闪石组成。俯冲俯冲板块在前弧下方45-55 km处的反射波与P_n一起反射,显示出地幔楔,P波速度低至7.4 km / s,随波速增加到约8.1 k / s。平均约7.7 km / s。地幔成分主要由莫霍面附近的辉石辉石(可能是超镁铁质的堆积物)渐变为更深的辉光岩,这最好地解释了这些观测到的速度。



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