首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geophysical Research, D. Atmospheres: JGR >Bright polar mesospheric clouds formed by main engine exhaust from the space shuttle's final launch

Bright polar mesospheric clouds formed by main engine exhaust from the space shuttle's final launch


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The space shuttle launched for the last time on 8 July 2011. As with most shuttle launches, the three main engines injected about 350t of water vapor between 100 and 115km off the east coast of the United States during its ascent to orbit. We follow the motion of this exhaust with a variety of satellite and ground-based data sets and find that(1)the shuttle water vapor plume spread out horizontally in all directions over a distance of 3000 to 4000km in 18h, (2) a portion of the plume reached northern Europe in 21h to form polar mesospheric clouds(PMCs)that are brighter than over 99% of all PMCs observed in that region, and(3)the observed altitude dependence of the particle size is reversed with larger particles above smaller particles. We use a one-dimensional cloud formation model initialized with predictions of a plume diffusion model to simulate the unusually bright PMCs. We find that eddy mixing can move the plume water vapor down to the mesopause near 90km where ice particles can form. If the eddy diffusion coefficient is 400 to 1000m ~2/s, the predicted integrated cloud brightness is in agreement with both satellite and ground-based observations of the shuttle PMCs. The propellant mass of the shuttle is about 20% of that from all vehicles launched during the northern 2011 PMC season. We suggest that the brightest PMC population near 70N is formed by space traffic exhaust.
机译:航天飞机于2011年7月8日最后一次发射。与大多数航天飞机发射一样,这三台主发动机在其升空时向美国东海岸100至115公里之间注入了约350吨水蒸气。我们通过各种卫星和地面数据来跟踪废气的运动,发现(1)航天飞机水蒸气羽流在18h内在3000至4000km的范围内沿各个方向水平分布,(2)一部分在21h内到达欧洲的羽状流形成了极地中层云(PMC),其亮度高于该地区所观测到的所有PMC的99%以上,并且(3)观测到的粒径对高度的依赖性与较大的粒子相反,而较小的粒子粒子。我们使用以羽流扩散模型的预测初始化的一维云形成模型来模拟异常明亮的PMC。我们发现,涡流混合可以将羽状水蒸气向下移动到90公里附近的中冰层,形成冰粒。如果涡流扩散系数为400至1000m〜2 / s,则预测的综合云亮度与航天飞机PMC的卫星观测和地面观测都一致。航天飞机的推进剂质量大约是2011年北部PMC季节发射的所有车辆的质量的20%。我们建议70N附近最亮的PMC人口是由太空交通尾气形成的。



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