首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geophysical Research, D. Atmospheres: JGR >Geostationary infrared methods for detecting lightning-producing cumulonimbus clouds

Geostationary infrared methods for detecting lightning-producing cumulonimbus clouds


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This study documents the behavior of cloud top infrared (IR) fields known to describe physical processes associated with growing convective clouds, for 30 nonlightning and 33 cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning-producing convective storms. The goal is to define "critical" threshold values for up to 10 IR fields that delineate lightning from nonlightning convective storms. Meteosat Second Generation and United Kingdom Meteorological Office very low frequency arrival time difference satellite and lightning data, respectively, were used in this study. These were collected during the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses (NAMMA) field campaign in August-September 2006 in Equatorial Africa. The main conclusions show that eight of 10 IR fields that describe updraft strength, cloud depth, and glaciation (or ice at cloud top) are significantly different between the nonlightning and lightning-producing convective clouds. The lack of notch overlap in "box and whiskers" plots confirms a 95% confidence that the two data sets are different. Nonlightning-producing clouds are far less vertically developed and possess >50% weaker updrafts (as estimated from satellite trends), as well as little to no evidence of ice or glaciation at cloud top. Results from this study therefore can be used to nowcast and identify with high confidence convective clouds that are producing or are going to produce CG lightning using Meteosat data, assuming appropriate tracking of growing cumulus clouds is performed. Key Points Lightning-producing storms can be identified from IR satellite interest fields. MSG SEVIRI infrared data show interest fields for cloud-to-ground lightning. Forecast. method for cloud-to-ground lightning in third world countries.
机译:这项研究记录了已知的云顶红外(IR)场的行为,该场描述了与30次非闪电和33次产生云对地(CG)闪电的对流风暴相关的与增长的对流云有关的物理过程。目标是为最多10个IR场定义“临界”阈值,以描绘非雷电对流风暴的雷电。本研究分别使用了Meteosat第二代和英国气象局极低频到达时差卫星和闪电数据。这些是在2006年8月至9月在赤道非洲进行的美国国家航空航天局(NASA)非洲季风多学科分析(NAMMA)野外活动期间收集的。主要结论表明,在描述非对流云和产生闪电的对流云中,描述上升气流强度,云层深度和冰川作用(或云层顶部的冰)的10个红外场中有8个存在显着差异。 “盒子和晶须”图上的缺口没有重叠,这证实了95%的置信度表明这两个数据集是不同的。不产生闪电的云的垂直发育要差得多,并且上升气流减弱了50%以上(根据卫星趋势估算),并且云顶上几乎没有冰或冰化迹象。因此,假设进行了适当的生长积云跟踪,可以使用Meteosat数据将本研究的结果用于高可信度的预报和识别正在产生或将要产生CG闪电的对流云。要点可以从IR卫星关注领域识别产生闪电的风暴。 MSG SEVIRI红外数据显示了云对地闪电的关注领域。预测。第三世界国家云对地闪电的方法。



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