首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geophysical Research, C. Oceans: JGR >High‐resolution numerical modeling of tides in the western Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea during the Holocene

High‐resolution numerical modeling of tides in the western Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea during the Holocene


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Tidal constituents and datums are computed on a high resolution grid of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. A global model is used to determine tidal parameters on a grid with a nominal resolution of 800 × 800. The global model includes self‐attraction and loading, drag in shallow marginal seas, and internal tide drag in the deep ocean. Simulations are performed at 1000 year intervals during the Holocene (10,000 calibrated years before present (10 ka)) in combination with changes in bathymetry and coastline location derived from a glacial isostatic adjustment model. The global model results are then used to force a regional barotropic tidal model. The regional model uses an unstructured finite element grid, with very high resolution at the coastline. The model results reveal significant variations in tidal constituent amplitudes throughout the Holocene. In the northwestern Atlantic, semi‐diurnal components show a strong amplification at around 9 ka while in the Gulf of Mexico, the response is much more muted. Variations in diurnal tidal parameters are found to be less significant than semi‐diurnal parameters throughout the model domain. Changes in tidal range, of great relevance to changes in relative sea level (RSL), are also investigated throughout the Holocene. The overall structure is similar to the patterns observed in the M_2 tide, with peak increases of 200–300%, relative to present‐day, being observed along the east coast of the United States from 9 to 8 ka. Finally, the high spatial resolution of the regional model allows for the investigation of tidal changes at spatial scales (e.g., individual bays) much smaller than in previous studies.
机译:潮汐成分和基准是在西北大西洋(包括墨西哥湾和加勒比海)的高分辨率网格上计算的。全局模型用于确定标称分辨率为800×800的网格上的潮汐参数。该全局模型包括自吸引和加载,浅层边缘海的阻力以及深海内部的潮汐阻力。在全新世期间(目前是10,000校准年,现在(10 ka),以1000年为间隔进行模拟,并结合从冰川等静调整模型得出的测深和海岸线位置的变化。然后,将整体模型结果用于强制区域正压潮汐模型。区域模型使用非结构化有限元网格,在海岸线具有很高的分辨率。模型结果表明,整个全新世的潮汐组成振幅存在显着变化。在大西洋西北部,半日分量在9 ka左右有很强的放大作用,而在墨西哥湾,响应则更为柔和。在整个模型域中,昼间潮汐参数的变化不如半昼间参数重要。整个全新世还研究了潮汐范围的变化,这与相对海平面(RSL)的变化密切相关。总体结构类似于在M_2潮中观察到的模式,相对于今天,在美国东海岸从9到8 ka观察到峰值增加了200–300%。最后,区域模型的高空间分辨率允许研究比以前的研究小得多的空间尺度上的潮汐变化。



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