首页> 外文期刊>Journal of health communication >Sensation Seeking as a Moderator of Gain- and Loss-Framed HIV-Test Promotion Message Effects

Sensation Seeking as a Moderator of Gain- and Loss-Framed HIV-Test Promotion Message Effects


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This study used an experiment (N=504) to test whether the fit between sensation-seeking disposition and frame enhances the persuasiveness of gain- and loss-framed HIV test promotion messages. Gain- and loss-framed messages may be consistent with low and high sensation seekers' disposition with respect to risk behavior. We hypothesized that a loss-framed message would be more persuasive for high sensation seekers and that a gain-framed message should be more effective for low sensation seekers. We also expected elaboration to mediate the interaction. Results demonstrated the hypothesized interaction. When the message frame fit with the viewer's way of thinking, the persuasive power of the message was enhanced. The mediation hypothesis was not supported. Practical implications for targeting and message design are discussed.
机译:这项研究使用了一项实验(N = 504)来测试寻求刺激的性格与构架之间的契合度是否能增强以获利和亏损为框架的HIV测试促进信息的说服力。带有获利和损失框框的消息可能与低风险寻求者和高风险寻求者在风险行为方面的态度保持一致。我们假设,对于高敏感度寻求者来说,带有损耗框的消息会更具说服力,而对低敏感度寻求者来说,带有增益框的消息应该更有效。我们还期望通过精心设计来介导互动。结果证明了假设的相互作用。当消息框符合查看者的思维方式时,消息的说服力就会增强。不支持调解假说。讨论了针对目标和消息设计的实际含义。



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