首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Food Legumes >Evaluation of desi chickpea (Cicer arietinum I.) genotypes for yield and yield contributing traits under rainfed rice based cropping ecosystem of chhattisgarh

Evaluation of desi chickpea (Cicer arietinum I.) genotypes for yield and yield contributing traits under rainfed rice based cropping ecosystem of chhattisgarh

机译:沙田稻作稻田生态系统中鹰嘴豆(Cicer arietinum I.)基因型对产量和产量贡献性状的评价。

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In the present investigation, 38 genotypes were evaluated for estimation of variability and genetic diversity and interrelationship for yield and yield attributing characters. This study showed high heritability and genetic advance as percentage of meanfor 1 (1(1-seed weight and low heritability coupled with low genetic advance for plant height, primary branches plant"1, secondary branches plant1, pod bearing length, days to maturity, pod length, seeds pod'1, biological yield, harvest index indicatinghigh impact of environmental conditions on these characters. Divergence analysis revealed considerable amount of genetic diversity among genotypes. This analysis identified 18 superior diverse genotypes viz. BG 3007, BDNG 2003-1, VUAY, PHULE G 0105-10-1,BG 3008, NBeG 20, JG-14 -110, SAKI 95-16, BGM-772, IPC-2004-98, RKG-114, BG-3009, PBC-74, Phule G-00110, JG-74, JG-315, RG-03-15 and Indira Chana-1 for yield and yield attributing characters that can be useful in hybridization programme for obtaining better segregants. Correlation coefficient analysis revealed that the characters namely, plant population plot1, days to maturity, pods plant1, seeds pod'1 and harvest index showed significant positive association with seed yield plot1 indicating that highseed yield can be possible by improving these characters in future. The path coefficient analysis showed that, plant population plot'1 had the highest direct effect on seed yield. Hence, this character seems to be important contributor to seed yield andmust be considered in selection for high seed yield.
机译:在本研究中,对38个基因型进行了评估,以评估变异性和遗传多样性以及产量和产量属性的相互关系。这项研究显示出高的遗传力和遗传优势,其平均值为1(1(1种子重量和低遗传力,加上低的遗传优势),对于株高,一级分枝植物“ 1,二级分枝植物1,荚果长度,成熟天数,荚果长度,种子荚果'1,生物学产量,收获指数表明环境条件对这些性状的影响很大。发散分析表明基因型之间存在大量遗传多样性,该分析确定了18种优良的遗传型,即BG 3007,BDNG 2003-1, VUAY,PHULE G 0105-10-1,BG 3008,NBeG 20,JG-14 -110,SAKI 95-16,BGM-772,IPC-2004-98,RKG-114,BG-3009,PBC-74,Phule G-00110,JG-74,JG-315,RG-03-15和Indira Chana-1的产量和产量属性特征可用于杂交计划中以获得更好的分离子,相关系数分析表明这些特征即植物种群图1,成熟日,豆荚plant1,种子pod'1和收获st指数与种子产量图显着正相关,表明将来可以通过改善这些特性来提高种子产量。路径系数分析表明,植物种群图'1对种子产量的直接影响最大。因此,该特性似乎是种子产量的重要贡献者,在选择高种子产量时必须考虑这一特性。



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