首页> 外文期刊>Journal of ethology >Innate preference for magnetic compass direction in the Alpine newt, Triturus alpestris (Salamandridae, Urodela)?

Innate preference for magnetic compass direction in the Alpine newt, Triturus alpestris (Salamandridae, Urodela)?

机译:先天偏爱高山TriTriturus alpestris(萨拉曼德科(Salamandridae,Urodela))中的磁罗盘方向?

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Magnetic compass orientation was first discovered for migrating/homing birds in which all individuals of a population or species prefer a predictable magnetic direction during a particular migratory situation. If all other sensory cues are absent, theEarth's magnetic field may serve as a reference for other orientation mechanisms. It will be demonstrated that alpine newts (Triturus alpestris, Salamandridae) spontaneously align according to the natural or the deviated magnetic field lines of the Earth. They are able to do this in the dark and by apparently seeking to maintain a specific angle with respect to the magnetic field vector. When the horizontal component of the magnetic vector was eliminated, animals became disoriented, and orientation became random. We infer that the animals observed had learned to prefer a particular magnetic direction following environmental/ geographical cues. Alternatively, the magnetic directional alignments are innate as, e.g. in migrating birds, but these may be modified altered according to season, age, hormonal status, and environmental factors such as "landmarks", light-, sound-, or olfactory cues. Numerous observations of the aligning showed that the preference for a certain magnetic compass direction/ axis was not only individual but also specific for the population-subgroups tested. Specimens roughly preferred magnetic directions close to east or west. However, the larvae were able to learn to align to obviously attractive hiding spots (tubes) that were provided in a direction that deviated with respect to the first magnetic preference. The new conditioned alignments were, again, referred to magnetically by the animals and remained stable, even if the hiding tubes were absent. Animals preferred that direction until, eventually, a new directional cue became attractive.
机译:磁罗盘定向最初是为迁徙/归巢的鸟类发现的,其中在特定的迁徙情况下,种群或物种的所有个体都喜欢可预测的磁向。如果没有其他所有的感觉提示,则地球的磁场可以作为其他定向机制的参考。可以证明,高山new(Triturus alpestris,Salamandridae)根据地球的自然磁场线或偏磁场线自发排列。他们能够在黑暗中做到这一点,并且显然可以设法保持相对于磁场矢量的特定角度。当消除了磁性矢量的水平分量时,动物便迷失了方向,方向变得随机了。我们推断观察到的动物已经学会了根据环境/地理线索偏向于特定的磁性方向。替代地,磁方向对准是先天的,例如。在迁徙的鸟类中,但可以根据季节,年龄,荷尔蒙状况以及环境因素(例如“地标”,光线,声音或嗅觉提示)进行修改。对齐的大量观察结果表明,对于特定的磁罗盘方向/轴的偏爱不仅是个别的,而且对于所测试的人口子群也是特定的。标本大致偏向东或西的磁方向。但是,幼虫能够学会与明显有吸引力的隐藏点(管)对齐,这些隐藏点在相对于第一个磁性偏好偏向的方向上提供。即使没有隐藏管,新的条件比对也再次被动物磁性参考,并保持稳定。动物最终选择了这个方向,直到最终有了新的方向提示。



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