首页> 外文期刊>Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology >Bioaccessibility of pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls from house dust: In-vitro methods and human exposure assessment

Bioaccessibility of pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls from house dust: In-vitro methods and human exposure assessment


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Semi-volatile chemicals like pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) tend to accumulate in house dust. This may result in residues of some parts per million (p.p.m.), closely associated with health impairments and diseases like cancer. To explain these associations, we must establish whether a relevant absorption from house dust into human organisms occurs, and most crucially the release of chemicals, that is, their bioaccessibility. Digestive as well as dermal bioaccessibilities were examined using in-vitro methods. On average, the digestive bioaccessibility was 40% for the pesticides and 60% for the PCB. The dermal penetration availability reached 60% for the pesticides and 70% for the PCB (percentages of the concentrations in the dust). Based on the bioaccessibility, an estimate of internal exposure was calculated and expressed as percentages of acceptable or tolerable daily intake (ADI/TDI) values. Exposure via the respiratory tract proved to be very low. Exposure via the digestive tract had maximum values of 4% for pesticides and 12% for PCB. Dermal exposure was much higher. Even for average concentrations in house dust (0.5 p.p.m.), children exposed to DDT and PCB showed up to 300% of the ADI/TDI values, and adults about 60%. With high concentrations of contaminants in house dust, the maximum doses absorbed through the skin reached 5000%.
机译:半挥发性化学物质(例如农药和多氯联苯(PCB))往往会积聚在室内灰尘中。这可能会导致百万分之几的残渣,与健康受损和癌症等疾病密切相关。为了解释这些联系,我们必须确定是否发生了从房屋扬尘到人体有机体的相关吸收,最重要的是化学物质的释放,即它们的生物可及性。使用体外方法检查消化和皮肤的生物利用度。平均而言,农药的消化生物可及性为40%,而PCB的为60%。农药的皮肤渗透率达到60%,PCB的皮肤渗透率达到70%(粉尘浓度的百分比)。基于生物可及性,计算出内部暴露的估计值,并表示为可接受或可忍受的每日摄入量(ADI / TDI)值的百分比。经呼吸道的暴露非常低。经由消化道的农药暴露最大值为4%,PCB的最大值为12%。皮肤接触要高得多。即使对于室内灰尘中的平均浓度(0.5 p.p.m.),暴露于DDT和PCB的儿童也显示出高达ADI / TDI值的300%,而成年人约为60%。由于房屋灰尘中污染物的浓度很高,通过皮肤吸收的最大剂量达到了5000%。



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