首页> 外文期刊>Journal of food, agriculture & environment >Relations between solid fractal dimension and some physical properties of soils formed over alluvial and colluvial deposits

Relations between solid fractal dimension and some physical properties of soils formed over alluvial and colluvial deposits


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Results of many studies showed that fractal dimension of particle-size distribution (PSD) was useful to evaluate the relationship between soil texture and its associated properties. In this study we evaluated relationship between solid fractal dimension (Ds) and some of the physical properties of soils (Mollic Ustifluvent, Typic Ustifluvent and Typic Ustorthent) formed over alluvial and colluvial deposits in North Central Anatolia of Turkey. An area of nine ha was sampled intensively, collecting 168 disturbed and undisturbed soil samples. Ds for each sample was calculated from particle size distribution data. Soils were further analyzed for texture, organic matter content (OM), bulk density (BD), saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), field capacity (FC) and van Genuchten parameters (alpha and n). Relations between Ds and soil physical properties were analyzed by regression technique. Ds ranged from 2.64 to 2.91, finer textures yielding greater Ds values. In contrast to significant and positive correlations occurred between Ds and each of clay, Ks, FC and alpha correlations between Ds and each of sand, silt and n were negative. The results showed that Ds has significant relations with soil physical properties and may be used as an integrating index in modeling studies.
机译:许多研究结果表明,粒度分布的分形维数(PSD)可用于评估土壤质地与其相关性质之间的关系。在这项研究中,我们评估了固体分形维数(Ds)与土耳其北部中部安那托利亚冲积和冲积沉积物上形成的土壤某些物理性质(分子Ustifluvent,Typic Ustifluvent和Typic Ustorthent)之间的关系。对9公顷的土地进行了密集采样,收集了168个受干扰和未受干扰的土壤样本。从粒度分布数据计算每个样品的Ds。进一步分析土壤的质地,有机质含量(OM),堆积密度(BD),饱和导水率(Ks),田间持水量(FC)和van Genuchten参数(alpha和n)。利用回归技术分析了Ds与土壤物理性质之间的关系。 Ds范围从2.64到2.91,更细的纹理产生更大的Ds值。与此相反,Ds与每种粘土之间都存在显着正相关,而Ks,FC和Ds与沙子,粉砂和n之间的α相关均为负。结果表明,Ds与土壤物理性质有显着关系,可作为模拟研究的综合指标。



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