首页> 外文期刊>Journal of food, agriculture & environment >Effects of the use of cover crops in the structure of an oxisol managed by a no-till farming system in the west of Parana, Brazil.

Effects of the use of cover crops in the structure of an oxisol managed by a no-till farming system in the west of Parana, Brazil.


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Certain soil physical characteristics such as resistance to penetration (Rs) and bulk density (Ds) are extremely important, and are also indicators of the soil structural quality. This paper aims at evaluating the use of four cover crop species in the reduction of density and soil resistance to penetration in areas where a no-till farming system is applied. The so-called "regenerator" species, which act in soil structure, were considered treatments, and consisted of four species: showy rattlebox (Crotalaria spectabilis), moha grass (Setaria italica), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), and yet the control (an area without crops). Soil bulk density evaluations were carried out according to the methodology recommended by EMBRAPA, in the following depths: 0.0-0.1, 0.1-0.2 and 0.2-0.3 m. Sampling was carried out with five replications for the crop row and five for the spacing between each crop row, in each experimental unit (5 m x 5 m), up to 0.40 m in depth. An experimental design was 5x4x2 factorial, meaning 5 treatments, 4 depths and 2 sampling conditions. The species studied, especially the pigeon pea and the sorghum, showed a great potential to improve soil structural state, for they showed figures to Ds and Rs that were lower than the ones from the area without crops.
机译:某些土壤物理特性(例如抗渗透性(Rs)和堆积密度(Ds))极为重要,并且也是土壤结构质量的指标。本文旨在评估四种免耕种植系统在降低密度和土壤抗渗透性方面的应用。所谓的“再生”物种在土壤结构中起作用,被认为是处理物种,它由四种物种组成:艳丽的响尾蛇箱( Crotalaria spectabilis ),莫哈草( Setaria italica >),木豆( Cajanus cajan ),高粱( Sorghum bicolor )和对照(无农作物的地区)。根据EMBRAPA建议的方法,在以下深度进行土壤容重评估:0.0-0.1、0.1-0.2和0.2-0.3 m。在每个实验单元(5 m x 5 m)中,对作物行进行五次重复采样,对每行作物行之间的间隔进行五次采样,采样深度最大为0.40 m。实验设计为5x4x2阶乘,表示5种处理,4种深度和2种采样条件。所研究的物种,特别是木豆和高粱,具有改善土壤结构状态的巨大潜力,因为它们的Ds和Rs值低于无农作物地区。



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