首页> 外文期刊>Journal of food, agriculture & environment >Carbon budget and its response to environmental factors in young and mature poplar plantations along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China

Carbon budget and its response to environmental factors in young and mature poplar plantations along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China


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Although poplar forest is the dominant plantation type in China, there is uncertainty about the carbon budget of these forests across the country. The observations, performed in 2006, of two eddy covariance flux towers on a young poplar plantation (Yueyang, Hunan province) and a mature poplar plantation (Huaining, Anhui province) provide an opportunity to understand poplar CO, exchange at diurnal, seasonal and annual scales. The levels of net ecosystem carbon exchange (NEE) at these two sites are similar, but both ecosystem respiration (Reco) and gross ecosystem productivity (GEP) have significant differences, reflecting differences in climate and land management. Although more rain and lower photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) were recorded in the summer, the young plantation sequesters -476 g C m~2 yr1, compared to -465 g C m2 yr1 in the mature plantation. Daily maximum NEE values are also similar (9.98 g C m"2 d"' vs. 9.75 g C nr2 d'). Differences in GEP and Reco between the two sites aregreater. The young plantation assimilates 1629 gC m~2 yr' and releases 1153 g C m"2 yr' through respiration, while the corresponding values in the mature plantation are 1439 g C m~2 yr1 and 976 g C m"2 yr'. Daily maximum GEP and daily maximum Reco of young plantation are 14.56 g C m'2 d'1 and 8.04 gC nr2d'', which are 11% and 35% higher than the corresponding values of the mature plantation (13.10 g C m'2d"', 5.97 g Cm'2 d'1). These two sites also had different parameters describing the responses of NEEon a half-hour time scale to PAR, but the responses of NEE, GEP and Reco to PAR and air temperature at daily and monthly scales do not differ among sites. These results suggest that a general parameterization could be sufficient at coarse time resolutions to model the response of carbon exchange to environmental factors in poplar forests from different climatic regions in China.
机译:尽管杨树森林是中国主要的人工林类型,但全国范围内这些森林的碳预算尚不确定。 2006年进行的观测分别在一个年轻的杨树人工林(湖南岳阳)和一个成熟的杨树人工林(安徽省淮安)上的两个涡流协方差通量塔提供了一个了解杨树CO的机会,在白天,季节和年度交换秤。这两个地点的生态系统碳净交换量(NEE)相似,但生态系统呼吸(Reco)和生态系统总生产率(GEP)都有显着差异,反映了气候和土地管理的差异。尽管夏季记录到更多的降雨和较低的光合有效辐射(PAR),但年轻的人工林固存的是-476 g C m〜2 yr1,而成熟的人工林则为-465 g C m2 yr1。每日最大NEE值也相似(9.98 g C m“ 2 d”'与9.75 g C nr2 d')。两个站点之间的GEP和Reco差异更大。幼林吸收了1629 gC m〜2 yr',并通过呼吸释放了1153 g C m“ 2 yr',而成熟林的相应值为1439 g C m〜2 yr1和976 g C m” 2 yr'。幼龄林的每日最大GEP和每日最大Reco为14.56 g C m'2 d'1和8.04 gC nr2d'',分别比成年人工林(13.10 g C m'2d)的相应值高11%和35% “',5.97 g Cm'2 d'1)。这两个站点还具有不同的参数来描述NEE在半小时尺度上对PAR的响应,但是NEE,GEP和Reco对每日PAR和空气温度的响应这些结果表明,在粗略的时间分辨率下,一般的参数设置足以模拟中国不同气候地区杨树森林中碳交换对环境因子的响应。



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