首页> 外文期刊>Clinical rheumatology >Azathioprine during pregnancy in systemic lupus erythematosus patients is not associated with poor fetal outcome

Azathioprine during pregnancy in systemic lupus erythematosus patients is not associated with poor fetal outcome


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the risk of adverse fetal outcome in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) women exposed to azathioprine during pregnancy. We reviewed the medical records of SLE pregnant women followed from January 2005 to April 2013. The patients were evaluated at least once in each trimester and postpartum. Relevant fetal outcomes were extracted, such as rate of liveborns, fetal loss (spontaneous abortion and stillbirth), term delivery, preterm birth, neonatal death, low birth weight, low birth weight at term, and congenital malformations. A detailed history of drug use during pregnancy was obtained. We studied 178 pregnancies (in 172 women), 87 of them were exposed to azathioprine (AZA-group) and the remaining 91 were not exposed (NO AZA-group). Exposure to other drugs was similar in both groups. The rate of live births, spontaneous abortions mean birth weight, weeks of gestation, rate of birth weight < 2500 g, and low birth weight at term did not differ between groups. No infant had major congenital abnormalities. Multivariate analysis showed that preeclampsia, premature rupture of membranes (PROM), lupus flare, and anti-DNA positive were associated with an increased risk of poor fetal outcome. Our study suggests that the use of azathioprine is safe and lacks of teratogenity in patients with SLE and pregnancy. Exposure to azathioprine during pregnancy is not associated with poor fetal outcome.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估妊娠期暴露于硫唑嘌呤的系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)妇女的不良胎儿结局风险。我们回顾了自2005年1月至2013年4月的SLE孕妇的病历。在每个孕期和产后至少对患者进行了一次评估。提取相关的胎儿结局,例如活产婴儿的比率,胎儿流产(自然流产和死产),足月分娩,早产,新生儿死亡,低出生体重,足月低出生体重和先天性畸形。获得了怀孕期间药物使用的详细史。我们研究了178例妊娠(172名妇女),其中87例暴露于硫唑嘌呤(AZA组),其余91例未暴露(NO AZA组)。两组的其他药物接触情况相似。两组之间的活产率,自然流产的平均出生体重,妊娠周数,出生体重<2500 g的比率以及足月出生时的低体重没有差异。没有婴儿有重大的先天性异常。多因素分析显示,先兆子痫,胎膜早破(PROM),狼疮发作和抗DNA阳性与胎儿预后不良风险增加相关。我们的研究表明,硫唑嘌呤在SLE和妊娠患者中使用是安全的,并且没有致畸性。怀孕期间接触硫唑嘌呤与胎儿预后不良无关。



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