首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geochemical Exploration: Journal of the Association of Exploration Geochemists >Influence of local fluid flow on properties of low permeability Cretaceous siltstones (South-Eastern France): Implications for a nuclear waste deep repository

Influence of local fluid flow on properties of low permeability Cretaceous siltstones (South-Eastern France): Implications for a nuclear waste deep repository


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Understanding the physical and chemical behaviour of a sedimentary sequence during post-depositional fluid flow is of prime importance in evaluating its potential in the context of a nuclear waste deep repository.The Cretaceous siltstones of the Marcoule area (Gard,south-eastern France),investigated by ANDRA (French nuclear waste management agency) as a potential site for such a storage facility but finally not selected for the construction of an underground laboratory,are intersected by two major faults which show evidence of fluid circulation through the sequence postdating deposition. Late-stage fluid circulation induced secondary mineral crystallisation (calcite,celestite,pyrite,and barite,referred here as "epigenetic" as opposed to paragenetically earlier calcite and pyrite development during burial and referred here as "diagenetic").These epigenetic phases occur both in the fault and in sub-perpendicular fractures in the surrounding siltstones.Clay minerals appear to be unaffected by this fluid circulation,and both mineralogical and isotopic (K-Ar) results argue in favour of simple physical reworking of the surrounding clay material,without significant mobilization of the major and trace elements.Rare earth elements,which might be considered as natural analogues of actinides,exhibit any variation in content between fault and siltstones clay-size fractions.In agreement with mineralogical and isotopic results,this behaviour might traduce that REE remained bound to the clay minerals and were not significantly remobilized into other mineral phases.The effect of the fluid interaction can only be deduced from increase in Sr,Ba and Pb contents in the finest clay size fractions.These elements are probably incorporated into mineral phases associated with the clay particles.They appear to be of local origin,as suggested by the Sr-isotope ratio of the epigenetic calcites close to that of diagenetic calcite.A difference of Pb-isotope composition between diagenetic (formed in the matrix during early and burial diagenesis) and epigenetic (precipitated in the gouge during late-stage fluid flow) pyrite is thought to reflect the Pb-isotope evolution over time in the siltstones until the formation of pyrite in the gouge.Assuming that the diagenetic pyrite formed during very early diagenesis in the sequence (c.97-98 Ma based on glauconite dating [Rousset,D.,Leclerc,S.,Clauer,N.,Lancelot,J.,Cathelineau,M.,Aranyossy,J.F.,2004.Age and origin of Albian glauconites and associated clay minerals inferred from a detailed geochemical analysis.Journal of Sedimentary Research 74,631-642.]),a modelled-evolution of the Pb-isotope composition leads to an estimate of the time elapsed between diagenesis and fluid flow of some 60 Ma.Consequently,fluid circulation which precipitated pyrite could have occurred 39 +- 7 Ma ago,during the Pyrenean thrusting.
机译:了解沉积序列在沉积后流体流动过程中的物理和化学行为,对于评估核废料深层处置库的潜力至关重要。马库勒地区的白垩纪粉砂岩(Gard,法国东南部),由ANDRA(法国核废料管理机构)调查的这种存储设施的潜在地点,但最终没有被选择用于建造地下实验室,但被两条主要断层相交,这两条断层表明了沉积后序列的流体循环。后期流体循环引起次生矿物结晶(方解石,天青石,黄铁矿和重晶石,此处称为“表生岩”,而在埋葬期间方差分析中较早的方解石和黄铁矿发育,此处称为“成岩”)。在断层和周围粉砂岩的垂直断裂中,粘土矿物似乎不受这种流体循环的影响,矿物学和同位素(K-Ar)结果都主张对周围粘土材料进行简单的物理改造,而无需主要元素和痕量元素的显着动员。稀土元素(可能被视为of系元素的天然类似物)在断层和粉砂岩粘土大小馏分之间表现出任何含量变化。与矿物学和同位素分析结果相符,这种行为可以证明是稀土元素仍然与粘土矿物结合,并没有明显地迁移到其他矿物相中。流体相互作用只能从最细的粘土粒度级分中Sr,Ba和Pb含量的增加中推断出来。这些元素很可能掺入了与粘土颗粒相关的矿物相中。认为表观成因方解石的同位素比接近成岩方解石的同位素比率。反映出粉砂岩中Pb同位素随时间的演化,直到在凿孔中形成黄铁矿为止。假定成岩作用的黄铁矿在很早的成岩过程中就形成了(c.97-98 Ma是基于青绿岩年代法[Rousset,D。 ,Leclerc,S.,Clauer,N.,Lancelot,J.,Cathelineau,M.,Aranyossy,JF,2004。根据详细的地球化学分析推断出的阿尔比亚青绿岩和相关黏土矿物的年龄和成因。 rch 74,631-642。]),Pb同位素组成的模型演化估算出成岩作用与流体流动之间经过的时间约为60 Ma。因此,可能发生了沉淀黄铁矿的流体循环39 +-7马云前,在比利牛斯山冲刺期间。



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