首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geochemical Exploration: Journal of the Association of Exploration Geochemists >Chemistry and sulfur isotope investigation of industrial wastewater contamination into groundwater aquifers,Pitea County,N.Sweden

Chemistry and sulfur isotope investigation of industrial wastewater contamination into groundwater aquifers,Pitea County,N.Sweden


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The possible contamination of a groundwater system with industrial wastewater originating from a paper mill factory has been investigated in Pitea,N.Sweden.Six samples were collected from the wastewater in the waste dump and twelve samples from the adjacent groundwater were analyzed for chemistry and sulfur isotopes.The industrial wastewater is a saline water consisting mainly of Na-HCO_3-SO_4,having a high pH and showing delta~(34)S values between 7 per thousand and 9 per thousand affected by bacterial sulfate reduction.The groundwaters are relatively dilute,dominated by Na~+,Ca~(2+) and HCO_3~-,but with varying concentrations as exemplified by sulfate with concentrations varying between 3 and 69 mg L~(-1) while the delta~(34)S values range from -0.5 per thousand to 14.3 per thousand.The data suggest.that the main S sources in the waters are the bedrock sulfides and/or atmospheric deposition,which,sometimes,are overlapped by bacterial sulfate reduction.Contamination from the waste dump does not occur.
机译:在瑞典北蒂阿皮德研究了造纸厂生产的工业废水对地下水系统可能造​​成的污染,从废料场的废水中收集了六个样品,并对相邻地下水中的十二个样品进行了化学和硫分析同位素。工业废水是一种盐水,主要由Na-HCO_3-SO_4组成,具有较高的pH值,并且受细菌硫酸盐还原的影响显示δ〜(34)S值在千分之7至千分之九之间。地下水相对稀,主要由Na〜+,Ca〜(2+)和HCO_3〜-组成,但浓度变化不大,例如硫酸盐,浓度介于3至69 mg L〜(-1)之间,而delta〜(34)S值在数据从-0.5 /千分之千到14.3 /千分之三。数据表明,水域中的主要S来源是基岩硫化物和/或大气沉积物,有时被细菌硫酸盐还原所覆盖。 p不会发生。



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