首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geochemical Exploration: Journal of the Association of Exploration Geochemists >Reactive transport modeling of thorium in a cloud computing environment

Reactive transport modeling of thorium in a cloud computing environment


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Despite the long standing interest in modeling the fate and environmental impacts of radionuclides, simulations addressing the fate and transport of rare earth elements (REEs) and thorium (Th) have received comparably little attention. This study presents an architecture that enables reactive transport modeling and parameter sensitivity analysis on cloud computing platforms. We adapted an existing groundwater modeling framework to perform some of the computationally most expensive steps within a cloud environment based on Microsoft Windows Azure. The cloud computing architecture was evaluated and validated through the development of a schematic, cross sectional model along a transect across a tailings impoundment at a REE mine tailings site in northwest China. The model framework employs a suite of flow, solute transport and reactive transport simulation tools, i.e., MODFLOW, MT3DMS, and PHT3D. On the basis of our model simulations, the collection-trench for the impoundment constructed above the ground surface appears to collect a substantial portion of the leachate fluxes, but the remainder will bypass the trench and migrate downstream. Those bypassed leachate fluxes will subsequently interact with downstream fluviolacustrine aquifers and eventually dischargejnto the Yellow River south of the study site under the idealized simulation environment Further investigations of the hydraulic parameters of the aquifer system and the impoundment dam, and other geochemical characteristics are needed to elucidate the fate and transport of thorium and improve the reliability of the numerical model. Although the discussion and analysis of this study is tailored to thorium reactive transport modeling of a REE tailings impoundment such a framework can also be applied to deploy different types of scientific modeling applications on Azure Cloud.
机译:尽管长期以来就对放射性核素的命运和环境影响进行建模感兴趣,但针对稀土元素(REE)和or(Th)的命运和运输的模拟却很少受到关注。这项研究提出了一种架构,该架构能够在云计算平台上进行反应性传输建模和参数敏感性分析。我们调整了现有的地下水建模框架,以在基于Microsoft Windows Azure的云环境中执行某些计算上最昂贵的步骤。通过开发在中国西北部REE矿山尾矿场沿尾矿库的横断面的示意性横截面模型,对云计算体系结构进行了评估和验证。该模型框架采用了一套流动,溶质运移和反应运移模拟工具,即MODFLOW,MT3DMS和PHT3D。根据我们的模型模拟,地面上方蓄水池的收集沟似乎收集了相当一部分沥滤液通量,但其余部分将绕过沟渠并向下游迁移。那些绕过的渗滤液通量将随后与下游的氟湖石碱含水层相互作用,并最终在理想的模拟环境下排入研究场地以南的黄河,需要进一步研究含水层系统和蓄水坝的水力参数以及其他地球化学特征,以阐明or的命运和运输,提高了数值模型的可靠性。尽管此研究的讨论和分析是针对REE尾矿库的th反应性运输建模而设计的,但该框架也可以用于在Azure云上部署不同类型的科学建模应用程序。



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