首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geochemical Exploration: Journal of the Association of Exploration Geochemists >Geogene and anthropogenic controls on the mineralogy and geochemistry of modern alluvial-(fluvial) gold placer deposits in man-made landscapes in France, Switzerland and Germany

Geogene and anthropogenic controls on the mineralogy and geochemistry of modern alluvial-(fluvial) gold placer deposits in man-made landscapes in France, Switzerland and Germany


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Five study areas in the Cevennes, France, the Gotthard Massif, Switzerland, and from the western edge of the Bohemian Massif, Germany, have been selected for an investigation of the natural and human impacts on modem alluvial-(fluvial) gold placer deposits. The current investigation involved the study of grain-related parameters such as morphology, grain size and accessory minerals in gold aggregates in context with a detailed analysis of heavy and light minerals as well as heavy artifacts in the mineral assemblage of the placer deposits. To provide a sound data base, all sampling sites have been selected from areas sharing the same geotectonic and lithological settings. The modern placers are located in the extra-Alpine and Alpine parts of the Moldanubian Zone of the Variscides and they are characterized by a bedrock geology made up of metapsammopelitic rocks with some basic intercalations that were intruded by late Variscan granites. The combination of grain-related and mineral-related parameters in modem gold placer deposits is an effective tool to single out the natural impact (definition of the placer-type, provenance, chemical and mechanical reworking) and human impact (plumbing residues, ceramic goods, automobile devices, Pb-Fe-Au slags and mining residues), which may be of relevance for exploration by providing pathfinder elements or of relevance for the cultural history of the study area in terms of metallurgy and manufacturing. The placer deposits cover the whole range from pure alluvial via reworked alluvial to mixed-type alluvial-fluvial placer deposits (for definition see Introduction). Zirconium is a geomorphic marker element or indicator of the slope gradient of the drainage system. In course of lateritization chemical redeposition of gold that occurred during the Cretaceous and Tertiary (Paleogene and Neogene) times (parautochthonous) does not completely eradicate the characteristics of the primary source of gold. The mechanical reworking with long distance transport in alluvial depositional environments of different flow regimes however, makes attempts to trace the gold back to its source difficult because the intergrowth of gold aggregates with its marker minerals was destroyed by this mechanical transfer. Relics of lateritization in the placer gold assemblage may be deduced from fineness vs. grain size distributions and Fe-Al oxide/hydroxides as well as phyllosilicates intimately intergrown with gold aggregates. Stolzite and gold amalgam are positive indicators for gold enrichment in the catchment area of the placer-bearing drainage system. Lead, iron, tin and antimony are suitable tracers for the human impacts on placer deposits and may assist in characterizing the metallurgical, mining and manufacturing processes through time in a certain area. The results of this study allow to evaluate the gold provenance, the paleoclimatological and palaeogeomorphological controls on modem gold placer formations, the placer-type (alluvial, reworked alluvial, alluvial-fluvial) and the anthropogenic control relevant to exploration of placers. The latter also may provide an insight into the technical history of a region.
机译:已选择了法国塞韦纳,瑞士圣哥达山地块以及德国波西米亚山地块西边缘的五个研究区,以研究自然和人为对冲积(河流)金砂矿床的自然和人为影响。当前的研究包括研究与晶粒有关的参数,例如金矿中的形态,晶粒尺寸和辅助矿物质,并详细分析了重,轻矿物质以及砂矿的矿物组合中的重人工产物。为了提供可靠的数据库,已从具有相同大地构造和岩性设置的区域中选择了所有采样地点。现代砂矿位于Variscides的Moldanubian区的高山外地区和阿尔卑斯山地区,其特征是基岩地质学由后生变质岩构成,并具有一些基本的插层,并由晚期的Variscan花岗岩侵入。现代金砂矿床中与谷物和矿物相关的参数的组合是一种有效的工具,可以识别出自然影响(砂矿类型,产地,化学和机械加工的定义)和人为影响(管道残渣,陶瓷制品) (汽车设备,Pb-Fe-Au矿渣和采矿残渣),通过提供探路者元素可能与勘探有关,或者与冶金和制造方面的研究区文化历史有关。砂矿沉积物涵盖了从纯冲积土到返工冲积土到混合型冲积河流冲积砂土的整个范围(定义见“简介”)。锆是地貌标记元素或排水系统坡度梯度的指示剂。在红土化过程中,白垩纪和第三纪(古近纪和新近纪)发生的金化学重沉积(副生代)并不能完全消除金的主要来源。然而,在不同流态的冲积沉积环境中进行长距离运输的机械返工使试图将金追溯到其来源的尝试变得困难,因为这种机械转移破坏了金聚集体与其标记矿物的共生。砂金组合中红土的遗迹可以从细度与粒度分布,Fe-Al氧化物/氢氧化物以及与金聚集体紧密共生的层状硅酸盐推导得出。菱铁矿和金汞齐是砂金含铅排水系统集水区的积极指标。铅,铁,锡和锑是适用于人类对砂矿沉积物影响的示踪剂,并且可以帮助您确定特定区域的冶金,采矿和制造过程的特征。这项研究的结果可以评估金的出处,现代金砂矿形成的古气候学和古地貌控制,砂矿类型(冲积砂,再造冲积砂,冲积河流质)和与砂矿勘探有关的人为控制。后者还可以提供对区域技术历史的见解。



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