首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geochemical Exploration: Journal of the Association of Exploration Geochemists >Distinguishing breeding populations of mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) using trace elements

Distinguishing breeding populations of mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) using trace elements

机译:使用微量元素区分野鸭(Anas platyrhynchos)的繁殖种群

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The knowledge of connectivity among breeding and overwintering populations of migratory bird species is critical for the conservation of their habitats. Conventional field work for the tracking of migratory birds involving bird banding often yields poor results due to low "recovery rates, or is expensive when satellite tracking methods are used. Intrinsic tools such as genetic markers, stable isotopes, strontium isotopes and trace elements have been successfully used for tracing origins and/or migratory pathways of bird populations. We studied elemental signatures in the tail feathers to group breeding populations and an overwintering population of Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). Tail feathers from five locations in Canada and the U.S. were analyzed using Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). We used 18 elements to discriminate between Mallard populations. Linear discriminant analysis on a selected set of elements demonstrated that 93% of the Mallards could be accurately located back to their predicted locations. Mallard feathers from Arkansas (an important overwintering area), grouped together with any combination of elements as predictors. We predicted the breeding locations of overwintering Mallards from Arkansas. Our results confirm that the LA-ICP-MS technique shows high potential to estimate the origin of migratory animals.
机译:候鸟的繁殖和越冬种群之间的连通性知识对于保护其栖息地至关重要。常规的野外追踪工作涉及带状鸟类的迁徙鸟类,由于“回收率低”,通常效果不佳,或者使用卫星追踪方法时费用昂贵。诸如遗传标记,稳定同位素,锶同位素和微量元素等内在工具成功地用于追踪鸟类种群的起源和/或迁徙途径。我们研究了尾羽中的元素特征以对繁殖种群和野鸭(Anas platyrhynchos)的越冬种群进行分组。使用来自加拿大和美国五个地区的尾羽进行了分析激光烧蚀-电感耦合等离子体质谱法(LA-ICP-MS),我们使用18种元素来区分绿头鸭种群,对选定的一组元素进行线性判别分析表明,93%的绿头鸭可以准确地定位到它们的位置。预测的位置。来自阿肯色州(重要的越冬地区)的野鸭羽毛与y元素组合作为预测变量。我们预测了来自阿肯色州的野鸭越冬的繁殖地点。我们的结果证实,LA-ICP-MS技术具有很高的潜力来估计迁徙动物的起源。



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